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Just ordered a pair of these, thanks guys for posting up the linky. Will comment once they arrive and give an opinion of them. Having checked out google for Konus Titaniums I can't believe these are £20 whereas other sites are selling them for £70+



Edited by Sinistercr0c
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Well, the binos arrived yesterday, and I have to say I'm impressed by the quality. Solid (but not too heavy) and what I would class as 'semi compact' due to the straight tubes. The focus rings have that nice resistant feel about them when being turned, without any slackness, and the rubberised casing and contoured styling adds to the overall look of 'em.


The optics and magnification are good (to me at least) and for the princely sum of £19.99 delivered I'm more than happy.


Roll on Wednesday when I can get out and use 'em in anger (especially as I've just secured another 600 acres to shoot over).



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