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And why would you not buy them??? i have had some crackin birds wi them lately??? :good:


If I buy pigeon carts I will only buy proper cartridges "proper pigeon" £160 (last time I got some off george the maker) a thou 5.5s and the best cart I have ever used when I use these I honestly feel that I wont miss ( do though)




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best thing is lads to ring around, try bond and bywater at preston, they usually have a good selection in at a reasonable price

McAvoys are normaly a bit cheaper than bamfords in my experiance but are usually limited to Eley mainly.

I sometimes get cartridges from the shooting shack in Bolton but they have very limited supplies, although they do some times

have odd size loads which I like, such as last time i popped in they had some "pigeon supreme" 34g No5's which are a cracking

cartridge if not cheap. It's allways best to buy by the thousend so a couple of you club together and buy a thousend then split them

and yo can save a good few bob doing it like that

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