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the pelt man

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spoke with a mate Friday about going stalking today. We let the rain pass and left for a wood that we manage the Deer in. Giving us only a couple of hours to get a result in. CP Me and guest Mart arrived at 3.30pm and stalked up to our high seats. There was not a lot moving around my part of the wood but about a hour in i herd my mate Marts Tikka T3 let out a single bark some 300 yards away. I then got the call he had dropped his first ever CWD. I walked over to his high seat and watched as he carried out the job of cleaning it up, which he did no prob.

Not a bad result for the first day of the CWD season and lots of fresh meat to be put on the table, well done Mart you can stop shaking now :lol:


PELTMAN :good:


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lovely, was that fairly local then Pelty?



Hi Nick


I would call it local only a 40min drive up the M1 to Bedfordshire.


We were a bit worried through the summer because the half dozen or so CWD's we see together out in the field when we drive in up to the wood have not been seen for a while. But i think this is due to the crops that have been farmed this year.


At least we now know they still are about and coming into the wood.


PELTMAN :good:

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