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They normally bring the check sheets with them and discuss anything that may be awry.

Mine had some questions about on of my referees, it seemed his youth was not as innocent as he lead everyone to believe, but I still got the all clear any way.


If you don't have a cabinet in place you just need to have an idea where you are going to put it, all it means is that they will have to make another visit once you have it fitted, which adds more time to your application.



Cooter :good:

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I would get your cabinet put in place otherwise he will just have to come out to see you again wasting your time and his, even after he has been to see you he still will most likely contact your countersigner to double check they know you and what they have signed for and they may contact your GP to get a medical report this all takes time, and a criminal record (CRB) check. the time scale depends on the police force in question mine was about 13 weeks with humberside but every force is different, as long as your polite and friendly everything will go fine and a cuppa tea and biscuit helps. good luck

Edited by mike.ginty
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I didn't have my cabinet fixed when he visited. I had it on the floor of a bedroom. We discussed and agreed location fixing method. He OK'd everything then and there and my certificate followed a few weeks later. He only popped around again when I notified the purchase of the first gun - he just checked that I'd done what I said I would.


Police forces all vary - but I've found Essex good.



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Thanks for all reponses.


I went out a bought a cabinet and he came round yesterday, it seemed to go quite well, a 40 minute formal chat and he said my details will be checked next week and he will come out to check I have fitted the cabinet and to hopefully give me my certificate.

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