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squirells, best day so far


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i went out this morning with my airgun while i was feeding my birds and i saw a few squirells at the bottom of my garden which were eating nuts from the hazel trees.i shot three in a row in about 5 minutes and then finished feeding the birds.

after going fishing down the road and catching two brown trout i saw even more squirells in the haxel trees and shot two more. since it was at the bottom of my garden and it only took about 15 minutes in all i am very pleased.


me with the squirells




me with a magpie that i shot at the bottom of the garden a few days ago.





my birds



pekin cock




old dutch bantam cock



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my cuckoo pekin hen




and some runner ducks andf geese





ps. i forgot to say that the squirells were all head shots and were culled because there are so many of the ******* aroung my house and the nick the birds food **** in the bird pens and basically are a general pest.




hope you enjoy the pics




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Hi matt101

well nice pics mate,my dad used to keep bantams,ducks & all sorts of other birds.you must have a massive garden,he sold all his as there was to many & the avairy was not big enough in the end.

Just curious as to the law regarding shooting vermin in your garden(with air rifle) is it legal? i'd imagine it is as lots of people seem to do it.

Any info would be nice.

turk101 mem

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