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Winchester lever action - your thoughts !


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Now that all the airgunners amongst you have helped me make up my mind on the choice of a fac air rifle, ( BSA Hornet ) I'd appreciate your thoughts on how to fill the next slot on my new ticket, a 22lr.


I'm not sure whether this is a boyhood thing ( lots of cowboys and indians on the TV ! ) or just my general dislike for bolt action but I'm really keen on a Winchester lever action. I had a semi-auto Winchester - Model 63 - on a ticket years ago which I let go when shooting permission ran out. Now however I'm avoiding semi-auto on the grounds of noise, lack of accuracy etc.


I particularly like the Winchester 9422 because of the lever action, but my worry is that fitting a moderator will cause problems loading the magazine. I really don't want to have to remove the mod every time I load the mag. I've seen mention of a special modification - some kind of a clip that allows this mag to be loaded !!


I've seen two guns advertized but neither of the owners have satisfactorily answered my query. And neither seem interested in sending a photo of the rifle showing the mod in place. It maybe that if a mod on a ' classic ' Winchester looks so totally incongruous that I'll forget the idea.


Anyway I'll be glad to hear your thoughts.





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Don't worry, you haven't hurt anyones feelings, its just that nobody knows!

is that a martini action? saw some thing like it with an under slung [off centre] mod once, chap just rotated the tube 180 deg and left just enough room to wiggle the rounds in.

also have a friend with a remington semi that doesn't cycle subs, he uses it like a straight pull actioned rifle, not that this mind numbing information is any help but i felt really sorry for you cos you sound so lonely! :good:

Never mind eh, time to crawl back under my rock.

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Thanks guys,


I just KNEW there had to be some useful opinions out there !! You all seemed so helpful with so many diverse questions in the forum, I just thought that maybe ' Winchester underlevers AND moderators ' was just pushing the boundaries too far !! It seems it was !! You're absolutely right it will look daft but I just had a real urge to have an underlever and because I'd intended to use subs I figured that if I had a mod as well I'd keep the noise down to a minimum.


I've also got a slot for a .17HMR. Which is ever likely to be the CZ 452 and I understand that they are so n so's to quieten. So the Winchester was my special indulgence for the .22 slot, what with being a bit of a ' classic ', but I guess thats exactly why it'll look daft. Looks like I'll be going for a pair of CZ's ! But which model ? the American or Varmint. I like guns to look like guns. None of these shiny stainless steel barrels or plastic ' woodwork '. So which one ? You choose !!


Thanks again and thanks for your concern about me being lonely. Far from it. What was it John Lennon said " Happiness is a warm gun ". In fact if I knew how to add that to the bottom of my page layout thingy I'd do it.

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Many moons ago I had a Winchester .22 lever action. It was a nice fun gun but not something I would recommend if you have work to do like shoot a lot of rabbits. The stock is designed for open sights and to use one with a scope reminds me of an article by Jim Carmichel when he first tried out the newly released .243" He had an old Enfield converted to .243 but couldn't wait to have it restocked so he took it out and used it as it was. He said you would have needed a head shaped like a Jackass in order to shoot it properly. Which sums up the 9422. They are cracking guns but if you plan to fit a scope you will find that it is not a match made in heaven. I think the main reason people bought them was to use for plinking at tin cans. You would be far better off with a CZ and a proper moderator.

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Thanks for your further thoughts on the Winchester and the other possible options. It's certainly given me more to think about but I'd be interested to know what else there was besides CZ as that's all anybody or the gunsmiths I've spoken to recommends in that price bracket. The thing is as I've got three slots to fill, ' her indoors ' would kick up a bit if I went for much more than CZ prices. Having said that I'm a great believer in good second hand. So what else ? Please

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