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New ammo


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Well, picked up my new cz today, I had to get rid of the savage for a myriad of reasons, mainly the weight as I have an old injury which made it difficult to shoulder for any length of time.


I've been using Hornady 17 grain V max with good results and managed to get talked into buying a 100 Winchester rounds at a really good price, they have the same FPS on the pack and according to Winchesters bumf they are a less dirty round, at normal prices from my rfd they are a bit more than the hornady, anyone got any experience with these?


If, for example I zero on hornady, would I need to re-zero with the winchesters? being the same velocity and weight?


I ask as I now have a ammo store of hornady, remington, winchester to try out, and a new rifle, and I have very little experience with firearms per se, being a fac airgunner in the, past pellet choice is absolutely critical.



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You have the weight and the velocity figures but the third element is missing. This is the ballistic co-efficient. If this is different for each bullet then the bullet paths will not be the same. I just tried to find them but the smallest weight for Hornady that I found was for 20 grains. I suspect they don't release this info for rimfire (although with a decent ballistic software programme and given the limited amount of info (velocity/energy and trajectory) that the makers do publish it is possible to work it out quite accurately.

That's being pedantic; in reality there won't be a lot of difference.



Edit: Found it for Hornady 17 grain V max, but can't for winchester. Have run ballistics programme which coincides exactly with the limited info from Hornady so it must be pretty well spot on. Just ask if you think it may help.


Edited by wymberley
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I use both Hornady V-Max 17GR and Remington Premier 17GR in my CZ 452 (Varmint) and find difference between the two in accuracy or any other way. I haven't tried the Winchester yet so I can not comment on them! The only thing to do is to follow the previous suggestion and fire a few at a paper target to make a comparison, bearing in mind that if you can put 5 in a 1 inch group on the centre of the target at 100 yards that would represent a kill every shot on a rabbit, you don't have to be able to "pile them up on top of each other through the same hole" to offer humane shots on live quarry!

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