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Found a .22lr at last!


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After the topic a while ago (I think it was on here) about guntrader being a bit rubbish, I'm quite pleased with it. I got a nice automatic e-mail about a 16" CZ Varmint .22lr so I phoned the guy. £150 got me the gun and it's on its way monday. I thought that was a pretty good price. I haven't seen a picture but it was described as having a couple of minor knocks to the woodwork (to be expected on a used gun) and tidy metalwork.


I'm all excited now. When they come up at this price they're are always gone from under my nose before I have a chance to grab them! It's about time I had some luck! :(

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Agree with the 2 previous posts so £150 for a CZ Varmint is a very good price especially if it is in reasonable to good condition. Even if it does have a "few knocks in the woodwork" what's the problem, you want a gun to shoot not to look at and the CZ Varmint is a great gun to shoot. I am sure you will enjoy using it!

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Personally, now, I would never buy a second hand rifle. You never know what work it has really done, and quite often there can be a hidden agenda. Now I know there are hundreds of genuine guns out there which are second hand and sold for a pefectly legitimate reason and the new owners have many years of good use,


But I was caught once and never again.

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I'm totally the opposite - I'd never buy a brand new gun. I like them 'broken' in, with character. Nothing better than stripping them down, de-gunging the actions and barrels and refurbishing the woodwork. Totally theraputic and as a bonus I've never (touch wood) been sold a dog yet.

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I plan to fit it with a SAK mod and hopefully a second hand S&B 6x42 if I can find one for reasonable money. I don't plan to try to use it for long range shooting so 6x will be plenty and the S&B should work perfectly with the lamp.


I'm always prepared to give a used rifle a chance. With a .22lr there's not that much to go wrong. Maybe a crown but I can't see what else? Because the throat is the same width as the case it's hard to damage it with a jag or brush centre. A centrefire is different but I've had a couple of those used now and they've been ok. I like to buy from dealers, that way if a gun doesn't group and they've said it's an accurate little rifle they can take it back or I'll tell the whole world that they sold me a dud!


The biggest scare I had was with my 6.5x55. I bought that new and took it to the range. Gave it a clean and popped the first round down it. There was that much roughness in the barrel that the first round keyholed at 50 yards! :rolleyes: Funnily enough after a few rounds and cleans it shot bullet on bullet. Dunno what that was all about but the patch after my first round came out looking like I'd swept a machine shop floor with it! :)

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Picked the rifle up today. I'm pleasantly surprised by the condition it's in. It has a few really mior marks on the stock but nothing to worry about. The rest of it is really tidy. I've got a JLS Stalker mod to put on it and a couple of boxes of Winchester subs to try, hopefully it will shoot well. Now all I need to do is chuck a scope on it and I'm sorted. :good:

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i have the Cz 22lr. love it to bits, like you, i waited and wait, then waited some more for the cheaper one to come along. i got one in the end. after speaking to the gent i bought it from, he had been around the differant rounds and he came up with the Eley Extras as being the ones the shot the best.


i couldnt get any so i tried the whinnies, i bought a couple of hundred and i still have most of them. the grouping was bad. i tried RWS and had the same problem but i let my sons use then pinking tin cans. the only ones that came close was Eley subs. i still have a few left but i had a text today from my gunshop saying that the Eley extras are on there way. :good: so i have a few of them with my name on.



can i ask what range you use as i have been trying to find one local that i can use.





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I'm hoping that either Winchesters or Eleys will shoot well. I'd have bought both but the shop only had Winchesters today. Hopefully the Winchesters will shoot, but if not my mate uses them so he can have them and I'll get some Eley to try.


I tried CCI Velocitors in my 10/22, they're crazy! Maybe in a bolt action they'd be better but I have bigger guns so there's no need.


Phil... Where abouts in Gloucester are you and what shop do you use? PM me if you prefer. If my rifle shoots Winchesters well I'll buy your excess off of you if you want rid of them?

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I have about 100 winnies and about the same of eley subs, i just let the kids use them for pinking but if you want a few to put though to see what the rifle likes then shout me as it might save buying boxes of everything like i did.haha.


I use glos gun comp for my Eley Extras


do you use a range or just one of your grounds?



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Oh yes, the range. Sorry, I forgot about that bit!


I got to a club called Worcester Norton. It's a treck, J7 of the M5! You can open up and shoot on your own at any time but it's only 50 yards so really only useful for zeroing and load testing. There's another at Stoke Orchard near Tewkesbury, they shoot on Sundays. I zero most of my guns on farmland, especially the ones that aren't too loud.


If you have a use for the ammo then don't worry about it. I just figured I could take it off of your hands to save you firing it if you didn't want it. I use the Glos Gun Co too, Al is very good at what he does and more importantly I trust him and like the guy! He said he was getting the Eleys in yesterday, I missed them by a couple of hours!

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