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Just said goodbye to my .22 S/A


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Well at long last I have decided to hand my Winchester 290 in for destruction as I no longer think of it as being safe!

The problem was that the barrel locking ring had a habbit of coming lose, even though I had tightened it up using "Nut Lock". When it worked lose not only did it leave the bulltes spraying all over the place (Up to 6 inches out at 40 yards) it also made recycling erattic with the odd one or two cases splitting in the chamber (My main worry).

I don't know if this was just my rifle that did this or if it is the "Achileese Heal" (Sp) of the "Winny 290" but it left me feeling that I could no longer trust the gun, so rather than pass the problem on to someone else I have handed the gun in to be destroyed. I am however on the look out for another .22 Semi Auto as I prefere to use a S/A for lamping rabbits with but would not have another Tubular Magazine fed one!

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i had a 2nd hand 10/22 and had nothing but grief, chopped it in for a 525 anschutz in the end which was much better behaved.

I did hear that they've stopped making them now but still plenty of 2nd hand ones about. Other than that i've heard good things about cz also, like you i'm looking to get another 22 semi but not sure what to buy. What's your budget?

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Thanks for the suggestions lads. I was in fact looking at a brand new Ruger 10/22 with a 18 inch barrel yesterday whan I handed the Winny in and was quite impressed. Even so I am keeping an open mind till new year as the motor needs re-taxing at the end of the month which is more of a priority.

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