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I need some help please !


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Hi guys i realy need some help i live in norfolk in the counntry and have about 15 acres of grassland and woodland i am realy intrested in shooting woodpigeons but i cant seem to find any or shoot them. I am 16 and have a smk custom db4 and am new to shooting please could i have some advise on what times to shoot and how and what i need to do to get them. Thanks guys :good::hmm::yes:

Edited by timmydtom
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Maybe there's non there. Most of em are heading for the rape fields this time of year. However, you mention some woodland on ur shoot...try and see if any come in to roost around dusk. Keep well hidden. If you see them come in then it's time to make a hide for another time. Make sure you are well camoflaged, cover your face and hands, these boys are smart. It can be tough enough with a 12 gauge never mind an airgun. Nevertheless, if you are well hid you have a chance. Rem those jokers can spot you a mile away. Good luck.

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You are handicapped somewhat by having an air rifle, this means you can not shoot the birds in flight, which is the most common shot chance on pigeons.


I would suggest you get some lofting decoys and concentrate on the woodland area.

Watch the woods and see where the pigeons sit, you can also see obvious signs under the trees.

Thats where you want to place your decoys and make a decent hide, with hands and face covered.

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thanks guys yer ive got bits of woodland doted all around my land and they doo roost in them at night i wil set up a hide tomorow and c how i get on. also i have a section of woodland with some huge beech trees in and last month there were about 50 - 70 pigeons feeding there now there is none - any thoughts . thanks guys


ive also only got 4 pigeon decoys if that helps but im intrested in getting more decoy equipment but i just dont know wat to get..

Edited by timmydtom
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am new to shooting please could i have some advise on what times to shoot and how and what i need to do to get them.


can you hit a target with good groupings at 35yds 10 out of 10 times :look: if not, don't even consider shooting live quarry, a humaine kill is first and fourmost

what will you do with any shot quarry :hmm:

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I think you should be able to get something in the woods. The chances are they may be roosting somewhere else now that the Beech mast has gone. That's what they would have been there for a couple of months ago.


You need to be very accurate. I don't find front on shots work well at all. Head shoot if possible and if not hit them in the back below the neck when they are facing away from you. I wouldn't worry too much about the decoys if they have a regular tree, just wait under that for them to come in and stay really well hidden. One thing to keep in mind is that you need to aim low when shooting up. Because there is less gravity pull on the pellet, which comes up from the barrel to meet the sight line, it will rise faster than it would if shooting horizontally and will go over the top of where you're aiming.


When I was a lad I had an old army bivvy bag which was really cheap. I'd lay it out on the floor and chuck leaves and sticks over it then lie in there on my back with the rifle facing the sky. That way you don't have to move the gun much when they land. If you do move, do it really slowly! If you tape a small piece of cheap camo net around the gun and scope it will make it less obvious too, but make sure you keep the end of the barrel and the sight line clear and well secured so you can have a good sight picture even if there's a breeze.


Good luck with it, I'm sure you'll get them once you get the hang of it :look:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Go late evening when the sky is clear and as dusk arrives you should see birds landing in the favourite places (normally the most dense parts where they are sheltered)-get under the trees and you should be able to see them agaist the sky.If they are landing in one tree make sure that your rifle is zeroed at shoulder height to that tree-the drop as you fire upwards will be pretty much the same.

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What type of decoys do you have?

If they are full body decoys, they often have small rings on their backs. If they are these types you can put them high up in the trees to attract other birds to come to them (hopefully). To save you buying expensive lofting poles you can put them in the trees using cheap fishing line and you can get this from fishing tackle shops for around £3.00


What I do is to use an old heavy bolt or something small and heavy which you can tie the fishing line to. Then get underneath some bare branches and throw the weight with the fishing line over the branches, make sure you are holding the reel of line in the other hand allowing the line to come off freely. This takes a bit of practice but I'm sure a young lad like yourself will be OK with this method. Once you have the weight over a nice high branch, let it come down and cut it off, then tie this end of the line to one of your decoys; Pull the other end of the line so you hoist the decoy as high as it will go and tie the other end to a branch to hold it in place. I would use all 4 of your decoys and either put them all in the same tree or close by on an adjacent tree though all decoys should be within shooting range of your hide!!


Like others have already said, try to watch the wood to see if they have any favourite trees they like, you will notice bird droppings around the tree if it is used often, and use this tree to loft your decoys. Cover up well and within shooting distance make yourself somewhere to hide, then sit and wait.......


Let us know how you get on.............and good luck

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