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How Long

deputy dog

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Hi all. I'v had my FAC since September this year. I'v got a .17hmr, which for small vermin is the bees knees at close to medium ranges. But i'v found myself being increasingly frustrated being out in the field see foxes at range but never close enough for my low caliber gun to Kill cleanly :yes: . I know iv heard of many shooter who claim they shot foxes with An .17hmr at range. But i dont feel confident in the guns power to do the job at 150yds plus. I'm really needing a gun like a .223 in which i may add that i have good experience from using my friends gun out in the field, lamping with him. What i want to know in relation to the problem. How long must i wait to put in for Variations Ticket so i can buy the bigger caliber i need :P:P. Too many foxes have got away which shouldn't have :good:





Gareth :good::good:

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i was in your position a while ago,loads of foxes about but,as i had just got my fac and hmr was my first choice,i decided fully against shooting foxes with the hmr(foxes were a condition on my fac for the hmr).the reason being that i needed to get experience with the hmr first(with the 22lr later also).

i restrained myself from the foxes and just got to watch them and try and learn their habits in the meantime.

also get some centrfire experience in the meantime from your mate if you can and ask him to maybe do a letter concerning your use and safety using a centrefire,which will help your varation later on.(i also did this and an experienced centerfire user is a godsend for experience).then when you are both happy,then go for it but,do not rush it and learn the hmr well.

i got a variation after 12 months but,my shooting buddy told me i was ready earlier(but i waited until we both agreed and i had centrefire experience way before i had fac,so it all helps).

also it took me a while to shoot a fox with the hmr but a fox came out of the woods and spooked my rabbits and was at 30yrds,so not a difficult shot and it was a headshot.

shot a few foxes since with the hmr and all were less than 60yrds but,the varation has now taken over the hmr for foxes..



Edited by albob
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I got .22rf+moderator and .223+moderator on first application with no mentor conditions.

It does help with the amount of land I have cleared and the previous experience lamping with friends.

Give your FEO a call and see what he says

Good luck with it any how :good:

Edited by sharp_shooter_sam
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There is no reason why you should not put in for a rifle suitable for foxes i.e. .222, .223, 22-250 etc straight away. Your permission(s) must be passed for whatever caliber you opt for, this is doen to your FEO. Also, your FEO might decide to put a "Mentoring" condition on your ticket for the larger caliber. In case you are not sure what this means basically you have to find someone who has an open FAC and shoots with at least the caliber you request. They have to write a letter to your FEO stating that they are willing to "mentor" you with your chosen caliber of rifle until such time as they feel that you are safe and knowledgable enough to use the rifle unacompanied. This can be done in as little as half a dozen shooting outings. All you have to show is that you are capable of identifying targets (Distinguishing between domestic animals and legitimate quarry) and picking "safe shots" (Safe back drops etc.)

My advice to you would be to give your FEO a quick call and talk about your desire for a larger caliber rifle and see what he says.

I have to say that I am with you on having reservations on shooting foxes with a 17HMR, even if your ticket does allow it (Not many Constabularies now allow rimfires for foxes). I would take fox with mine but not at ranges of over 100 yards. It's down to personal feelings but I prefer to respect my quarry which I believe deserves a quick and humane death, I have never left a fox as a runner yet and never want to. If I have a single doubt the safety catch does not come off!


P.s. Whatever caliber you chose don't forget to put in for a moderator for it as well.


I hope this helps.

Good Luck

Pete Bony

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Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post. A few of you have mentioned some one mentoring me. I have got a mentor which my best friend acepted to do when my FAO phoned an asked him if he would. Altho iv only had my FAC for 4 months, i am a capable shot with my .17hmr. I'm not not concerned about my shooting capabilitys but the power on my gun for Fox control. I have been shooting with my friend/ mentor either with our shottys or His rifles for years. So i have got plenty of experience with Rimfire and Center fire rilfes. He has stated on many occasion that i'm ready for centerfire shooting and a confident safe shot. So if i wrote in to my FAO explaining this, as i have on here. Will that swing my Variations ticket my way a lot sooner then preaviously stated by Gwent Police, which is about a year maybe a little sooner. Like i said before its so frustrating seeing charlie around the 150yrd upwards and havng to let them be, because i got no confidence in my lower powered hmr at that distance for foxes even with a good head shot.


Thanks all


Gareth :good::good::good:

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You should be a bit wary of admitting to the police that you have been using your mate's rifle. Different forces view this differently and some will say you shouldn't be doing it. Its variable from force to force. They must know it goes on but its not what you are licensed for.

Edited by Vince Green
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