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FAC Variation


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Well guys I have finally got all the paperwork completed for my .22lr and as it has been 5 years since my last application I am wondering if the PSNI have speeded up at all. I know it can take upwards of 12 weeks or maybe more :good: , I'm just hoping on this occasion it won't take as long because I am really looking forward to getting my CZ452 Style.

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Its a complete ******* joke. I mean if you were on the mainland it would be done within the month or even quicker. I was trying for bout a week steady to get in contact with the firearms branch and they don't even answer the phone. ;)<_<:hmm:

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It's like trying to get blood out of a stone. Even when you do phone them and get through they always pass the buck. My mates FAC just came through after 11 months. 11 months like. How da hell does something take 11 months to process? NI's firearms branch have their heads shoved up their h*les

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you might have it for easter.my younger bro`s is now away for 9 weeks and has n`t heard diddly yet.he`s adding a 22lr and an automatic i sold him


Has your bro tried contacting them, good luck if he has :rolleyes: . If I don't have mine back within three months I will be on the fone constantly.

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Well this came in along with my renewal form:


"Application must be made at least six weeks before your vurrent firearm certificate expires. Firearms and explosives branch will endeavour to issue a new certificate before or shortly after your current certificate expires but this can only happen with your co-operation by submitting your application on time."


Ok well I have co-operated by sending it 10 weeks prior to my expiration, now it'll be interesting to see if they can do their job and return it around St. Pats day when my current FAC expires. I'll not hold my breath :rolleyes:

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