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daughters first mole.


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Not being in the best of health, and unable to bend down for too long, i decided to take my youngest to used to trapping. We headed up to the farm where i had put 5 traps in yesterday (bloody killed me doing it though.) and started to do the search. There was a lot of snow on the ground, and Molly knew to look for the molehills, whilts taking care not to stand on them or cave them in. She uncovered the first few, and after i had gloved her up, she lifted the traps out one by one, and i showed her how to clear any debris down the tunnel. when we got to the third one, on with my big glove, and out she pulled a trap with this fella in it. :lol:




She was really made up with this, and as a treat, we headed to the park for a giggle, as mum and the others where still in bed.




"SnowChicken" :D



So, we headed home for a hot chocolate, and Mol could not wait to show mum what she had caught. :) (hence the 'odd' grin)



Really nice morning, thank god for snowdays. :yp:

Reagrds, MM.

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What a gorgeous daughter you have there. My little girl is barely a year old and I am looking forward to opening her eyes to the country, as I do my 2 boys.


Her mum wants to open her eyes to Harrods and Harvey Nicks.



tell me about it. she spend her weekends shopping with mum, and after school out with me on the beach or at the farm. they cant get enough of it once they get a taste. :good::yes: :yes:

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