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Ray Mears Bushcraft

deadeye ive

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I really enjoy watching this sort of stuff ,However i wish Ray would introduce more of the hunting side ........especially on tonights showing .What could have been better than how to catch a wild rabbit ,Paunch ,gut ,skin and cook it with the offerings of the Forest .

Incidentley have any of you members done a Survival course for interest and fun lets say and without having to scan the web are there courses that cater for this sought of thing.

I'm the big 40 next year and i think the Manopause :D as started early for me because i would consider something like this more enjoyable than going with the lads to Prague for a weekend and Drooling over Lady Pole Dancers :*) :*)



Cheers Ive

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He does courses quite a lot and I am sure you could persuade the significant other that turning 40 is a good excuse to go on one!


I did a fair bit of that sort of thing back in my scouts/cadets days, if only because my lot were mainly farmers and so we could do pretty much what we wanted on just about any land nearby. That said, I'd love to have a week's holiday where I could be pretty much on my own (ok, maybe with friends) in a really nice area of woodland.


By the way, do you think there would be much interest if we started up a "Church of Ray Mears"?



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Its expensive Dead Eye, @ £300, but both interesting and informative. He runs them regular although he might not be your instructor fo the day. They are run in sussex I believe.


There was one advised a few years ago in FHM. It was set in Wales and cost £99. You turn up Friday night and you were thrown in the deep-end. They showed you how to make shelter, catch food and prep/cook it. It was run by ex-military and was ******* hard. They gave no quarter, if you got wet etc. Tough ****.


It was hard to find a place on it as it was booked up months in advance.




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For £200 you can come and live at the bottom of my garden for a week.

There is a small copse, no shelter and I promise not to feed you.

If it doesn't rain, I will even come and hose you down twice a day.

What a deal !! :D:/

Like your style cranners !!


I'll even go futher for that kind of money , you can spend the weekend in my wood . I'll even set the dog's on you at 4 in the morning for that real suvivalist feeling .


all the best yis yp :(

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There are loads of schools which run courses like Ray Mears. His are good enough but you pay extra for the name and he is often not there.


I have been with bearclaw bushcraft to sweden last June and the course was excellent. They cater for everyone and unlike dumping you in a wood for the weekend they will actually teach you something.


Let me know if you want to know anything else.

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I've done a Ray Mears weekend (with Ray) and the week long 'Fundamental' course (without Ray). His instructors are excellent and you aren't just plonked in a wood and left to your own devices. Each day has specific seminars that you need to attend, demonstrations are provided and all students are required to practise the skills they are taught. I loved both experiences whether Ray was there or not. It is expensive but the ratio of instructors to clients is very high which means you get quite a bit of individual attention. At the end of the week you are assessed to see how much progress you have made and whether you have reached the required proficiency to go on to more advanced courses. The last course I did was run by Woody (Andy Wood) an extremely well respected ex-special forces type but you'd never know. He was a sweety. In fact, he's just set up a company himself and would be an excellent place to sound out for advice/prices/courses offered, etc. His company is called 'Bushcraft Expeditions'. The website below has a full list of all the schools that offer this type of course, if you really want to do your homework!




I can highly recommend these courses - lots of fun and it's something totally different. It's quite relaxing to slow down and live in an environment we usually just pass through briefly.

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I've just realised that it sounded like I was saying Ray dumped you in a wood for the weekend. Not what I meant at all, the FHM style course are the dumpers.


Ray and Woody run some of the best courses in the country all I meant was you pay for them. Gary of Bearclaw did exactly the same as Woody and set up on his own after working for Ray Mears. I just wanted to show there were alternatives to Ray (their waiting list is over a year now).

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Thanks for the replies Gents :lol:


It would seem i'm not alone when it comes to this type of thing except i've not ventured any further than talking about doing it .Lets put it this way for my 40th i want to do something special like this .........A weekend Deer stalking is the other option :/



Alas........ so much to do and so little money and time to do it in B)




Thanks Tenbears for the offer of further assisstance :D (Not made my mind up )

Orche,Cheers for the web site address :)

LB Saw the advert £99 sounded tempting .......Thanks for the warning

Wookie, Excellant idea .......What better way to spend your Sundays :thumbs:


And as for you PAIR :lol:


Cranfield /Yorkshire pudding ,can i bring my #### friends along as well :/:/

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Cranfield /Yorkshire pudding ,can i bring my #### friends along as well 


If you like, I will even provide the hedgehogs for you to bake in clay.

Or , do your Gyppo friends prefer Kentucky Fried Chicken Takeaways ? :thumbs: B) :lol:


My jokey posting regarding these "outdoor/survival" courses, wasn't meant to demean them.

In my younger days I attended two separate Outwood Bound weeks, as part of a Management training programme.

One was in the Scottish Highlands and one was in North Wales.

We had to make our own shelters, be self sufficient for food and water and also perform team exercises.

I thoroughly enjoyed it and it taught me a lot (although being a Country boy already, was a great help).

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Why not join the army?

They will treat you like that AND you get paid for it! :thumbs:


With the added bonus people will be shooting at you. Well maybe that's not a bonus in some peoples eyes but hell, it livens it up a bit.


It shows just how good Ray Mears is when you can be living off the land AND be a bit of a porker B)

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When I watch old Ray I want to stop and cry. He really lays the "at one with nature" on a bit thick.


When you are wet through, freezing cold and could eat a raw stinging nettle and drink your own P**s..... nature aint so bloody romantic.


Still if I ever get caught in traffic driving into Bris I can always Knock up a quick Birch bark canoe, kill a couple of carabou for scoff and slip quietly down the Avon.


My Brother spent two days observation laid in a ditch of freezing muddy water during the Falklands conflict. If you guys want to learn about proper survival join the marines. :thumbs:


Praise god for central heating B) :lol::lol::D



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Why, when you listen to desert island discs and ol whats her face say' you are allowed one luxury to bring onto the island, does no-one ever reply " i will have ray mears please". Its what i would do.

As a fervent believer that the only reason to sleep outside under a tent made from bark and ferns and wash in a sheep pee filled stream, waking to find half a gallon of dew soaking you and then spending four hours rubbing sticks together, generating a tiny puff of smoke that the tears from sleep deprived eyes extinguishes as soon as it is generated and eating grass and nettles is poverty.

Thats right, poverty. We dont all wake up in the morning, go to the outside loo, wring our clothes through the mangle and stoke uo the sateam engine before going to work.

Evolution you see, money in the pocket.If i spend £300 quid on a weekend I want fully inclusive multi channel haeted pool entertainment.

Not slug sandwiches and unwashed fat blokes bonding under a bin bag.

ray is great, but so is Steve Austin but you would not get me near those snakes or those crocs.

Watch, enjoy, but remember as the old adage goes " do not try this at home"


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What about bush tucker Man Jim? He'd be another good choice and he drives a landrover ;):lol:


Going back to our neanderthal days Eh!....................For me personally lamping on a frosty Moonlit night is as good as it gets :lol: Peace and tranquility of the great outdoors.



Cheers Ive

Never mind the bush tucker :lol: he drives a landie :)





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Im with you deadeye. nothing beats the great outdoors if you have the even better indoors into which you can retire once the snot starts freezing as it drips out of your frozen nose.

If once you have despatched your prey, you then have to dig a hole and line it with rocks that you have spent hours digging out of the ground using nothing more than a trowel made with the jawbone of a newt and waiting for eight hours for your rancid flea ridden dinner then sleeping, malnourished may i add, under a makeshift bivouac fashioned from sheep droppings and bats saliva the magic dwindles somewhat.

Again may I reiterate outdoors good, indoors better.

If the above were not true big issue sellers would not exist. They would be as happy as larry. The great outdoors every night.

Just while we are on the subject of bush tucker man, Is he the one who wears no shoes?

Now, I like to sometimes stroll down the risky side of the avenue but to walk without the aid of shoes on a continent where it seems that every living creature is out to bite or sting or inflict terrible pain and suffering on ones person is just plain lunacy.

Dont forget how the majority of ozzues got to be on their oversized island.

We sent the loonies as well as the bad 'uns.


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Never mind the bush tucker ;)  he drives a landie :)







You've lost me with this one mate :lol::lol: ...............It must be the fact that i'm coming to the end of a 6-2 shift run. :lol:





***** @ Deadeye.


He drives a LAND ROVER so he is obviously a supreme being or closely related to one.


Jimd, do you wear slippers, cardigan and smoke a pipe. Thats a pipe with tobacco in, you do understand don't you?


Wildfowling is practised out outdoors!



LB ;)

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If once you have despatched your prey, you then have to dig a hole and line it with rocks that you have spent hours digging out of the ground using nothing more than a trowel made with the jawbone of a newt and waiting for eight hours for your rancid flea ridden dinner then sleeping, malnourished may i add, under a makeshift bivouac fashioned from sheep droppings and bats saliva the magic dwindles somewhat.





I HAVE paid good money to do that and even been camping in January. :)

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Just while we are on the subject of bush tucker man, Is he the one who wears no shoes?

Now, I like to sometimes stroll down the risky side of the avenue but to walk without the aid of shoes on a continent where it seems that every living creature is out to bite or sting or inflict terrible pain and suffering on ones person is just plain lunacy.

Dont forget how the majority of ozzues got to be on their oversized island.

We sent the loonies as well as the bad 'uns.




Bush tucker man drives a landrover .........Has'nt nobody told you :lol::lol:

You're on about THE BARE FOOT BUSH MAN :)


Now he's an Abba Original tough as old boots they are apparantley you can freeze them fellows to -60 and cook them to +75 centigrade and they still carry on like nothings happening :P:lol:;);)




Cheers Ive :)

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