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Last month I was driving to Nottingham and saw a Hide in the middle of a field. :yes: From what I could see it was made from four standard hide poles, stealth cammo with an army type net on the outside. About 1m x 1m x 1m x 1m square.


I have heard of bale hides in the middle of fields but does any one do this and is it effective? I can not see why it would not work if the incoming pigeon did not fly over the top of it, But i do not want to waste time giving it a go :lol: if its a complete dud. <_<

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If you can leave it set up for a week before you shoot so the birds get used to it then it will work as long as you dont make too much movement when in the hide and when you get up to shoot.


But then you have to make sure the the farmer is not intending on spraying the field of fertilizing or there could be a problem.


By the time the birds see you they should be dead lol but it would help if you could add some bushes and dead branches to the hide to make it look like just a bush in the middle of the field and it will help to brake you outline up.


It does work and lots of people have tried it over the years with great success :good:

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Last year me and a mate off here Jim parked a long wheel base land rover in the middle of a field , threw a cam net over it and turned it into a hideand had one of the best days shooting ever...until we ran out of cartridges...Yes, a hide in the middle of a field will work :good:

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hides in the middle of field will work mate have had to do it while decoying on rape and peas as long as u blend it in as much as possible and what i did was keep it as low as poss as well have all so done it for crows on spring drillings but for that built it a week before hand so they got used to it!!!

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I have to set up most of my hides in open fields and put up a low profile hide and shoot sitting down.

Make sure you are not silhouetted and wear a face mask, hat and gloves, because bits of you might show.


I don't leave permanent hides out in the fields and the birds still don't seem to mind.

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