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.204 .22Hornet .222


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Another thumbs up for the Hornet from me. They're not bad little guns, but make sure you get a CZ!


I switched over to the .17 Ackley Hornet which I think is even quieter and just as effective. It sounds more like a HMR! Maybe something to do with the smaller bullet causing less disturbance than the .22 does?


The AH is more expensive though, both to buy and to get the reloading kit for. Once it's running though it's a sweet round.

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I have a CZ527 Hornet with a T4 mod on it which I use specifically for this senario.


Very accurate and will knock them over out to 200 yards no problems. I use Winchester 46 grain hollow points.


Here's one that was taking my Pheasants a few years ago.







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I would cast another vote for the Hornet. A friend has just "K"d his hornet and I am not sure if he really needed the extra case capacity fireforming gives him. But it is still deadly and not noticeably noisier. A very cost efficient round if you roll your own.



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I did a test a while back, Deker's HMR and my Hornet, we couldn't tell the difference in muzzle report, so whatever difference there may be is not significant enough to worry about. And Hornet's the same cost if you reload as HMR is to buy factory, so it's a bit of a no-brainer, given that it is as accurate and considerably more lethal.

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I did a test a while back, Deker's HMR and my Hornet, we couldn't tell the difference in muzzle report, so whatever difference there may be is not significant enough to worry about. And Hornet's the same cost if you reload as HMR is to buy factory, so it's a bit of a no-brainer, given that it is as accurate and considerably more lethal.



...and the HMR had a mod as well, just for clarification. Absolutely true, the difference in noise level was so small as to be indistinguishable to our ears!!


I would have to say Hornet as well, as a direct answer to the question you ask, the 22-250 is noisy whatever you do to it, and Hornet is perfectly capable on fox out to a good distance!

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I often wonder why anyone with home loading kit bothers with the HMR. The Hornet is so similar to it when you shoot it, you wouldn't know it had 3x the power! I guess if you shoot a lot of rounds at just bunnies and don't want the bother of loading then the HMR makes sense, but for the little effort it takes to make the rounds the Hornet is such a huge improvement.

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It's tricky though, not just a question of use less powder - would be a problem in a 22-250 case. The Yanks use Blue Dot powder to do this so it can be done. Question is, can you be bothered?


I use Red dot in both my 223 and 308 with good success.

I found it much cheaper and easier than buying a new rifle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having just read through this again I'm wondering why nobody has said .22lr? Bait it in close and smack it between the eyes, the neighbours wont even know a gun has been fired! :rolleyes:


I know it's not a Fox round, but it will kill a Fox discretely if you really need to keep things quiet.

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Having just read through this again I'm wondering why nobody has said .22lr? Bait it in close and smack it between the eyes, the neighbours wont even know a gun has been fired! :)


I know it's not a Fox round, but it will kill a Fox discretely if you really need to keep things quiet.



I totally agree about the .22lr and subs and NOISE, and I have dealt with a LOT of foxes this way, I don't want to get into all this .22lr and foxes malarky though, ALL my rimfires are conditioned for fox, so lets just stop that one before we start it...




..it could well be a distance type problem, when I use this tool it is primarily very close and because of the proximity of farmhouses, stable, barns, neighbours etc etc




The Hornet can hit a lot further out...but it is MUCH noisier!! :P

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