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The Obama Deception

Jim Sarakun

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55 this year I am and of no political or religious persuasion, live and let live I say. Since my teens I have been fairly anti establishment, initially saying NO to most things institutional, having learnt that it is usually the thin end of a thick and nasty wedge.


I followed the motorcycle culture to the age of 50, by then I had 2 young children, a late starter, I now have 3, I thought it may kill me prematurely, so called it a day. Had a fantastic time amongst it and I have been rich and poor. Children to think about now and they enrich my life even more.


I work hard and pay my tax, since the Gulf War I no longer vote. That's another story which I will ellaborate on if asked. I am a people person and care about others. No different to any one else then really, am I?


I have a good friend who is a Gypsy. Yes I pull his leg about the ATM machines he and his mates acquired this last week and everything else we type cast them with. I often argue the toss about how he and his mates avoid tax and stamp duty, yet soon run to the Hospital when they are sick, with no conscience whatsoever........... and everything else, blah de blah, live and let live. They have as much right to be here as we have, as does any other kind of lifestyle you may detest.


On Friday, he said "watch this, this is what your world is coming to, I will put aside a plot on my land for you, for when you want to join us". You will find the link at the end of this post.


Now I have been aware, throughout my life, of most of what is in this film, though this film tied up the ends, from one point of view, having not seen or heard of another, I have to say, I found it to be an eye opener. A lot of the stuff on it has already been implemented.


I hope you PW folk can find the time to sit through it and share your thoughts, it certainly moved me. Here is the link..



If it does not work with a click, copy and paste it into your browser.

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I've already watched it. The EU superstate is more worrying!


Do you think so SirFox? I gleaned from the film that our Euro Puppets are also doing the bidding of Bildersberg, Gordon especially.


The bit about Europe and America kicking China out of Africa for their own exploitation of the Mineral wealth, with all the human suffering that would involve, especially confronting China, the Military Might that it has now become, Nukes and all, was a very worrying wake up call.


I'm going to watch it again to confirm the disbelief I felt from the first viewing.

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No sense in worrying, you can't change it. Or can you?


I, is insignificant. We, can do what we want. If you get my drift.


Lets just get one thing straight, I, gave nothing away, I did not have the opportunity to vote or anything, like the rest of us don't.


The people are losing control.

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Have the masons been blamed for 9/11 yet ? I think they were behind the recent clamping of my car, the snow in Germany and the lack of otters in Surrey. If you take the words New World Order and add some random letters they are an anagram of " Look long enough and you will find what you seek, for its told a ***** often searches the web for conspiracy theories ". Rise up fellow pigeon watch members, we are one :bye2:

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ah who cares. the world will be flooded by global warming. the big hadron collider in geneva will create a black hole to suck us all into nothingness. a scientifically engineered uber plague will sweep the world, turning everone into vampires. a large asteroid will crash into the world, wiping out 95% of life and blowing the survivors back to the stone age. the population of the world will treble, and eeryone will starve, fighting wars over tins of dog food. china will decide it doesnt like the rest of the world, and will have a nuke fest with all the other major powers, causing the earths crust to split, incinerating everything in the world andin close orbit.


so many things that can happen, so why worry about it and all these conspiracy theories. live your life to the full, laugh, drink and be merry, but always keep the ammo stocked up :angry::bye2:

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Diceman, that link was quality. Some seriously deluded dream warriors on that site :bye2:




I spend hours on there, funniest site on the web. They don't like it when you start messing with them though, been banned a couple of times....

I feel guilty sometimes because I guess that a fair proportion of them are actually quite psychologically unwell.

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Looks very interesting, will make some time to watch that thiss week.


But as for the ****** and ATM theft, personally, I would shop em before they had the chance to use a stolen angle grinder to cut the cash out. :angry:


I wouldn't. Shop em that is. There are bigger fish doing more damage than they are.



Have the masons been blamed for 9/11 yet ? I think they were behind the recent clamping of my car, the snow in Germany and the lack of otters in Surrey. If you take the words New World Order and add some random letters they are an anagram of " Look long enough and you will find what you seek, for its told a ***** often searches the web for conspiracy theories ". Rise up fellow pigeon watch members, we are one :bye2:


The masons had nothing to do with 911. As already posted on this site, 911 was caused by some Irish navies fitting doors that did not fit on said floor. Paddy said "get a plane and take the top off".



ah who cares. the world will be flooded by global warming. the big hadron collider in geneva will create a black hole to suck us all into nothingness. a scientifically engineered uber plague will sweep the world, turning everone into vampires. a large asteroid will crash into the world, wiping out 95% of life and blowing the survivors back to the stone age. the population of the world will treble, and eeryone will starve, fighting wars over tins of dog food. china will decide it doesnt like the rest of the world, and will have a nuke fest with all the other major powers, causing the earths crust to split, incinerating everything in the world andin close orbit.


so many things that can happen, so why worry about it and all these conspiracy theories. live your life to the full, laugh, drink and be merry, but always keep the ammo stocked up :yes::angry:


Global warming is inevitable. The ice age ended about 10,000 years ago and the ice has not yet stopped melting. The only thing us joe blogs will feel from it, is a flood here and there and CARBON TAX. Yes taxed, for a perfectly natural phenomena. God saw it. Is it in the scriptures? Is it hell! Couldn't help that one babby. Love you really.

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