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shooting help

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Hello im 17 and new to pigeon watch and have just sent away for my shootgun licence i have bought a cabinet and soon to by some insurance i was wondering if any one could please give me some help on how to acquire some land for me and my friend who is 30 and i live near whinchester and my friend has been shooting since he was little he has insurance and a licence too i go ferreting, beating, and am going to try shooting now :rolleyes: but i have no where to shoot if any one could please help it would be much apprecciated ?? ??


Thanks Jorge

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Ask politely, then ask politely again, then again, then ask again... It can take a long while to get your first permission and many, many knock backs.


One small point, now isn't the best time of year to ask because you stand the best chance of getting an 'in' where you can identify a pest problem. The best time for that is Spring as the rabbits are breeding and in numbers and the pigeons will be hitting crops. That said, don't let that put you off asking, then asking again, and again...


I wish you every success and if you keep trying you're bound to get a 'yes' in the end!

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as others have said, try to dress smartish and be polite, try drafting a letter and put in a copy of insurance and certs when you get them..

it took me about six months to get my first permision, and it was only 12 acr, while i was bashing rabs with the air rifle one day the farmer from next door asked me to go on his land 30acr and he rang his brother who gave me 200acr rab's pigeon's, hair, deer, fox. while pigeon shooting on the 200acr another farmer asked me to pigeon shoot his rape about 150-200acr.

so now i have the pick of some realy great shooting from just being in the right place,

don't give up keep asking..

where do you live?

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Did i miss something or did you say you've applied for your licence but dont have anywhere to shoot?-not sure if the old bill will grant a certificate on these terms?-maybe someone on here knows better?

He can apply for his SGC, for clay pigeon, Also wildfowling and pest control, from what i can remember you don't need the land verified by the FEO for shotgun shooting.

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He can apply for his SGC, for clay pigeon, Also wildfowling and pest control, from what i can remember you don't need the land verified by the FEO for shotgun shooting.


You definatly don't need any land if all you want to apply for is a SGC, you actually don't need any other reason other than wanting one. The FEO will want to know that you've had some practice but you can say that you want a SG for clays. As long as you seem genuine and your references etc all check out there is no reason why you wouldn't be granted a SGC. You may not be able to buy your own SG until your 18 but you can be given one i belive. I'm also pretty sure you need to be 18 to buy SG cartridges (but you can be in posession of them).


if you want a FAC you either need to be a member of a rifle club or have permission over land. You will not be cleared for vermin on a FAC unless you have permission on some land. A rifle club will only give you reason to have target ammo and use of a rifle at an appropriot range.


If you need further clarification just have a look at the home office guidlines.





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