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Obviously we all buy and sell on here. Wouldnt be fun if we didnt.


However recently i posted an airgun on here and bbs. I dont use bbs often and a guy message me offering me well under what i wanted. Then slowly creeped up, wanted me to deliver to leeds, then meet half way. Was starting to annoy me.

Finally he said he would travel and i said i would consider his offer.


About 4 mins later a guy messaged on here and came instantly. The gun was in great nick and was a good shooter for the money. He bought and went away happy for more than the other wolly was offering me.


When i returned and told him i had sold it, hes threatened to tell the mods as i was messing him about blah blah.


I dont see i was in the wrong? Do you?



........And have now been banned for "dicking people around in sales" (nice reason)

I think a fair few people on here can vouch for me...... just annoying

Edited by robmiller
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Unless a deposit has changed hands then its your gun.....sell it to whoever you want!!


Do you still have the messages from him?


If so and he kicks up a fuss send them to the mod dealing with it.


While it is not nice to have things sold from under you, it sounds in this case as if no agreement was reached so it hadn't even been stated that he was having the gun. Shouldn't worry about it.

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I wanted 320, he offered 250 then 60,70,80. Ended up at 280 and i said i would think about it.

He wanted me to travel half way to leeds. No agreement was in place, no travelling agreed. I just said i would get back to him and that ihad interest and to check re travelling.


I am not bothered. It got sold. Just seems that site is a little bit more "commercial" than here. He said he had sold and bought over 200 guns and that i was a time waster.

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I wanted 320, he offered 250 then 60,70,80. Ended up at 280 and i said i would think about it.

He wanted me to travel half way to leeds. No agreement was in place, no travelling agreed. I just said i would get back to him and that ihad interest and to check re travelling.


I am not bothered. It got sold. Just seems that site is a little bit more "commercial" than here. He said he had sold and bought over 200 guns and that i was a time waster.



Sounds like he is just P****d off he missed out on it, you have done nothing wrong and as stated above if no money had changed hands then stuff him :oops:

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I'd say until money has changed hands it's yours to do as you please with! The person in question messed you about making silly offers, if he wanted it that badly he should have been more serious like the guy from here!


On another note I hear all sorts of petty stories regarding bans on the BBS. I like forums and air guns but I refuse to join the BBS. I just can't be bothered with it as they sound like a bunch of girls!

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It was a nice little gun. Yep your right, he was keen for it just annoyed. Just cant be bothered with that stuff thats all.


well contract is about the acceptance of an offer in exchange for goods or services. He made an offer, you requested time to mull over said offer. In the meantime someone else offered you a sum of money in exchange for goods. You accepted that offer which then created a binding contract. The first offer was merely that; an offer. Without acceptance, it means nothing.

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No legal contract was in place as you had not agreed on the sale price or any terms,so you were fully in your rights to sell to whoever you wanted.Sounds like the guy was a professional dealer,which are only interested in making a profit from you and over price the gun to the next person

If you have a nice gun surely it is better to go to another shooter at a reasonable price,which seems to have happened here,so good on yer for doing the right thing.

I to have heard same things about bbs,never been on the site and never will.

Remember life is to short to tolerate idiots.

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well contract is about the acceptance of an offer in exchange for goods or services. He made an offer, you requested time to mull over said offer. In the meantime someone else offered you a sum of money in exchange for goods. You accepted that offer which then created a binding contract. The first offer was merely that; an offer. Without acceptance, it means nothing.



Could'nt have put it better myself with regards to contract law

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Cheers guys

i can never understand BBS. The site isnt particularly attractive, very commercial and it feels a chore to use and read.

Think i have had my fill of that site and will stick to this.

However still have a pigeon set up to sell.....so anyone close and wanting a sneak peak let me know. Pick up only!

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I had a similar thing on there.


I sold to someone while someone else assumed they had bought the gun while putting in a stupidly low offer.


I was then threatened with getting my sales access taken away from me by a mod because he didn't know where my location was even though the other fella didn't have a real location in his profile.


There does appear to be a member or two that think if they make you an offer, no matter how low they are doing a deal with you and you are going to sell to them.


I decided it wasn't worth the hassle so don't bother with it anymore.



Don't worry about it, you made a sale you were happy with.

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i too had a problem on bbs that they threatened to remove sales access.some guy was trying to sell a phone.i know that what you sell at is your choice as seller,but this guy kept bumping the add 3 or 4 times aday begging for interest in a sale.dropped price a couple of times.no interest.i posted a polite reply that if he really wanted to sell then perhaps he should try to sale for less than you can buy new(even after price drop it was still £20 dearer than a new one)to which i had post deleted and a snotty message from a mod saying i would be banned.either the guy didn`t know he was overpriced then my post may have got him a sale or he was out to rip someone off.

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