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22 pellets 30 (Grain or more)


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By increasing FT poundage to your air rifle does'nt mean you need to increase pellet weights .

Stick to the same pellet weight (16 grns for example)) for a longer ,flatter trajectory . :thumbs:



actualy yes it does because the practical top volocity for a pellet is the speed of sound 1020 Ft per second If you exceed this speed the pellet will tumble out of control


for this reason you are better of increasing the weight of the pellet so that at max ftlbs you still dont exceed 1015FPS this way you will keep your acuracy and carry as much of the power as posible.


Lite pellets will go supersonic just after leaving the barrel (a few yards) then bang your pellet is tumbling and totaly inacurate also asit goes hypersonic a massive ammount of energy (volocity) is drained from the pellet efectivly cutting the range in half.....

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longer ,flatter trajectory . :D



At 35 ft lbs (common/average) Air Arms pellet 16.40 grains travels at 975 FPS.My comment is based on the fact that my gun as a reasonable flat trajectory of around 25m where i don't have to make any adjustment as the arc produced by a lighter pellet is shallower unlike the the arc produced by the 30grn ones your talking about.

I have 4 yrs experience with this gun ,i don't read mags ,books or even use Chairgun ...............I just get out on the range and the field and find out for myself


In suitable conditions (no wind )it will kill humanely at 80 yds :D so as for tumbling and inaccurracy :thumbs: :sly::lol: :o?;)??




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longer ,flatter trajectory . :D



At 35 ft lbs (common/average) Air Arms pellet 16.40 grains travels at 975 FPS.My comment is based on the fact that my gun as a reasonable flat trajectory of around 25m where i don't have to make any adjustment as the arc produced by a lighter pellet is shallower unlike the the arc produced by the 30grn ones your talking about.

I have 4 yrs experience with this gun ,i don't read mags ,books or even use Chairgun ...............I just get out on the range and the field and find out for myself


In suitable conditions (no wind )it will kill humanely at 80 yds :D so as for tumbling and inaccurracy :thumbs: :sly::lol: :o?;)??




it only tumbles and becomes inacurate if it Goes super sonic..975 fps is still subsonic so you wont suffer the acuracy problem.


im looking at this ammo for muzzel energys of 80 to 100 ft lbs


If i decide to go FAC airgun instead of .22 live that is

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Lite pellets will go supersonic just after leaving the barrel (a few yards) then bang your pellet is tumbling and totaly inacurate also asit goes hypersonic a massive ammount of energy (volocity) is drained from the pellet efectivly cutting the range in half..


i dont understand as using this rationalle my .17hmr that fires a 17 grain bullet at 2550fps would be inacurate. the truth is it is a bloody accurate little rifle.



i dont understand as using this rationalle my .17hmr that fires a 17 grain bullet at 2550fps would be inacurate. the truth is it is a bloody accurate little rifle.



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Lite pellets will go supersonic just after leaving the barrel (a few yards) then bang your pellet is tumbling and totaly inacurate also asit goes hypersonic a massive ammount of energy (volocity) is drained from the pellet efectivly cutting the range in half..


i dont understand as using this rationalle my .17hmr that fires a 17 grain bullet at 2550fps would be inacurate. the truth is it is a bloody accurate little rifle.



i dont understand as using this rationalle my .17hmr that fires a 17 grain bullet at 2550fps would be inacurate. the truth is it is a bloody accurate little rifle.



what make pellets do you use init? surley not lead shutle cock style ? I wonder if they could even engage the rifling at that speed...... I would think you would atleast need a solid projectile like ^^ above an probably the pellet to be made out of something harder than lead so that it can engage properly

(coper jacket) or (Non lead) or even (Tethlon skirted)


Your firing it at Marl 2 :thumbs:

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You won't get that close to Mach 1 before the pellet tumbles due to shockwaves. Usually 975 is about the top limit before accuracy goes awol. Why use an 80 ft/lb airgun? They go off with a whopping crack that's a dog to silence compared to a rimmy and there's nothing you need 80ft/lb for that 30-35 won't kill just as well. Let's face it a rimmy on HV ammo at close range is only just enough for fox and many FLOs won't even accept that and insist on centtrefire so you're still looking at hares as the max size quarry so 35 ft/lb on Fields is plenty.

Also 80 ft/lb is going to need a whopping barrel length.

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At the end of the day ...........members who DON'T FILL IN THEIR Profiles that know what they are talking about i normaly make an exception .IN YOUR CASE MIMIC I CAN'T MAKE AN EXCEPTON, :lol:




C'mon mimic fill in your profile.

I know it doesn't make that much difference but it is considered good manners on this forum. I got a roasting for not doing it as well so you are in good company!

47 posts and counting now means you are not a "newbie"!!

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Lite pellets will go supersonic just after leaving the barrel (a few yards) then bang your pellet is tumbling and totaly inacurate also asit goes hypersonic a massive ammount of energy (volocity) is drained from the pellet efectivly cutting the range in half..


i dont understand as using this rationalle my .17hmr that fires a 17 grain bullet at 2550fps would be inacurate. the truth is it is a bloody accurate little rifle.



i dont understand as using this rationalle my .17hmr that fires a 17 grain bullet at 2550fps would be inacurate. the truth is it is a bloody accurate little rifle.



Different twist rate in the rifling.


Yours is much faster and has a jacketed bullet so that it can hold the rifling at that velocity and twist rate.


And yes the .17HMR is extraordinarily accurate, but it's a very different beast isn't it.

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Mimic i thin you ight be living a little in clouds.


If you do your home work (and i know im going to open a can of worms on this one) but no PCP rifle can fire any pellet faster than the speed pf sound (1120fps) due to the speed air expands once leaving the resevoir, ben taylor has offered a prize for any one that can bring a rifle to his shop and prove it, and to the best of my knoledge the prize is still on offer with on one walking out any richer for trying. (and i stress the word pellet, and not projectile! as a felt pad will exit the barrel in excess of 1120 fps i think)


As far as im aware there is only one rifle that you can buy off the shelf that is able to shoot anything accuratly and above 1120fps and thats the theoben elliminator!


as for needing a heavy weight pellet, there is no need for it almost all FAC air rifles work best around the 30-40F/lbs mark and the current pellets out there are more than happy to be run at this power level without effecting accuracy to any noticable extent i.e. 16.4 grain AA field at 30F/lbs will give raged hole groupings at 60+ ayrds as long as you can shoot.


An FAC air rifle would have a maximum range of 75-100 yards after that your into the realms of rim fire.


Not to mention the fact that an 80F/lbs air rifle wil give you a maximum of 10 shots (gun power stealth) before needing to be re filed.


So i will refer you back to the post i made on you pistol question, where i said you shoud have a long hard think about what you want from a rifle before even thinking about which rifle or which pellet would be best.


I think you might be better off going for a .17hmr and forgetting about the air rifles, its powerful and accurate as well as offering little chance of ricochet so very much in favor with most FLOs.


ROB :lol:

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Mimic i thin you ight be living a little in clouds.


If you do your home work (and i know im going to open a can of worms on this one) but no PCP rifle can fire any pellet faster than the speed pf sound (1120fps) due to the speed air expands once leaving the resevoir, ben taylor has offered a prize for any one that can bring a rifle to his shop and prove it, and to the best of my knoledge the prize is still on offer with on one walking out any richer for trying. (and i stress the word pellet, and not projectile! as a felt pad will exit the barrel in excess of 1120 fps i think)


As far as im aware there is only one rifle that you can buy off the shelf that is able to shoot anything accuratly and above 1120fps and thats the theoben elliminator!


as for needing a heavy weight pellet, there is no need for it almost all FAC air rifles work best around the 30-40F/lbs mark and the current pellets out there are more than happy to be run at this power level without effecting accuracy to any noticable extent i.e. 16.4 grain AA field at 30F/lbs will give raged hole groupings at 60+ ayrds as long as you can shoot.


An FAC air rifle would have a maximum range of 75-100 yards after that your into the realms of rim fire.


Not to mention the fact that an 80F/lbs air rifle wil give you a maximum of 10 shots (gun power stealth) before needing to be re filed.


So i will refer you back to the post i made on you pistol question, where i said you shoud have a long hard think about what you want from a rifle before even thinking about which rifle or which pellet would be best.


I think you might be better off going for a .17hmr and forgetting about the air rifles, its powerful and accurate as well as offering little chance of ricochet so very much in favor with most FLOs.


ROB :lol:

if i had the choice of the firearm i would take it, But I may Only keep an FAC airrfile at my permisis No true firearms :lol:


I thought that 80 ftlbs and Big heavy pellet would be pritty respectable... probably the best that i can expect from an airgun and i agree about shots ten would be the Appsolute Best you could hope for

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Mimic her are a cuple of questions that might help u have soem idea of what sorrt of rifle would suit you best:


1.what are you going to use the rifle for?


2.what range do you want out of it?


3. how much do you want to spend? are you lookign for new or second hand?


4. do you hold a current FAC?


5.are you a member of an FAC rated club? (either FAC air rifles or centre fire).


6.Do you have land to shoot on?


7.if so, has the land you have prmision to shoot on been approved for FAC shooting?


8.are you goingnto be hide shooting or rough shooting?


9.do you want slf contained or PCP rifle?


almost all of these questions need to be answered before you decide on which rifle would be best for you. to give you an example a long rifle would be ideal for hide shooting but a carbine would be best for rough shooting. the more time you spend on anwering those questions the more likely you are to find the rifle that suites you most straight away.


an FAC rifle will only just about double your effective shooting range over a standard 12F/lb rifle


he only rifles that are any good at high power levels are the stalker rifles and the ripley rifles.


stalker are highly modified versions of curently avaliable standard 12F/lbs rifles (Falcon and BSA being the top two with this company) and are available in many different cals up to a .50 you want power you want quality this is the diffinetive rifle to own.


Riply are no bettr or worse than staker but you gt what you pauy for a .22 ripper would be good for rabbits out to 125 yards but you got to be abel to do you part with it.


But both of these brands of rifle come with price tags to match the workmanship upwards of £1000 second hand!!!!!


but an average shooter would not be able to tell the difference between a 24F/lb S410 and a 80F/lbs stalker rifle.


power does not in any way equate to accuracy, and going into the extra high bracket your right you would need special pellets but who says these special pellets are accurate?


Like i said you need to have a long hard think about what you want the rifle to do for you, and what you want to do with the rifle.


it would have been best if you phrased your question along the lines of "whats the best rifle for......" and then count how many times people mention Air arms S410 and Theoben Rapid, in my opinion those are the onyl two rifles you should be considering.


S410 around 35 highly accurate shots out to 75 yards, runnign at 24F/lbs


Theben R7 aorund 200 accurate shots out to 75 yards, runnign around 30F/lbs(but not as accurate as the S410!)


as for only being allowed to hold an FAC rifle on your premisses cant say as i have heard of that one before, have heard of land being passed purly for FAC air rifle, but when its in the cabinet at home there is no difference between a rim fire and a FAC air rifle as far a im aware it only the use they would not alow you one for.


Though i would be the first to admit i know very little about all this FAC stuff.


ROB :lol:


PS. as for my comment about being a muppet, i stand by that until im corrected or proven wrong :lol:

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as for only being allowed to hold an FAC rifle on your premisses cant say as i have heard of that one before, have heard of land being passed purly for FAC air rifle, but when its in the cabinet at home there is no difference between a rim fire and a FAC air rifle as far a im aware it only the use they would not alow you one for.



PS. as for my comment about being a muppet, i stand by that until im corrected or proven wrong  :lol:

It has nothing to do with regulations or law its down to other people in the household such as my Wife who does not want their to be Live amuntion or Live Firearms in the house as she has a phobia of them


As for the Airarms S410 not a bad gun i guess


But this is more my cup of tea even with its short barrel....


Skan Bullpup :lol: (35 or 70) shot



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As for the Airarms S410 'its an ugly peace of **** with a short barrel' why the hell would i want that?

AA S410 XTRA FAC :lol:


If anything this gun as quite a long shrouded Barrel ,Looks don't make a gun shoot better ,All fac Air guns are Varmint tools as there is no point in having one for any other reason


Your Wifes phobia will have no bearing on what plod will let you have .You have Security in place and she or any other member of your family MUST NEVER KNOW where the keys are .


Have you thought that she realises what the more experienced shooters of this Forum have and that is that you clearly have,nt a clue what your on about.


Just a thought Mimic :lol:



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As for the Airarms S410 'its an ugly peace of **** with a short barrel' why the hell would i want that?

AA S410 XTRA FAC :lol:


If anything this gun as quite a long shrouded Barrel ,Looks don't make a gun shoot better ,All fac Air guns are Varmint tools as there is no point in having one for any other reason


Your Wifes phobia will have no bearing on what plod will let you have .You have Security in place and she or any other member of your family MUST NEVER KNOW where the keys are .


Have you thought that she realises what the more experienced shooters of this Forum have and that is that you clearly have,nt a clue what your on about.


Just a thought Mimic :lol:



i was looking at the wrong gun, appologies for that comment it was incorrect the S410 does indeed have a rather splended barrel :lol:

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