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Spooky Pigeons

pigeon controller

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Following last weekend when all the local woods were shot by the beaters from 15.00 onwards the birds in the area have flocked up int two major flocks of 300 plus but are very spooky. They are flying around very high and then pick a tree and they all try to land in it, they wait and one will braek out the land and they all follow. DB and I stopped at one field and they were all down, we spooked them up and they did not return. we then set up on a section of rape that was within the shoot and they had been on this for three weeks. I then drove round to find the flock and shot them up. They then over flew the decoys but would not land and all the birds taken were very high shots, DBs favourite. We ended the day with 76.




The following day saw us in the same area approx five miles away but a different flock we set out the decoys and but the rotary 100 mtrs out in the field and decoys on the edge this allowed the birds to loose some height before arrivng at the decoy pattern. This flock was also very spooky and we ended up with 69. and the lads were in the woods again shooting till dusk.


I think we will have to move areas untill the flocks split when we might get some warmer weather???




Edited by pigeon controller
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Nice haul there :)


Am I reading this right, the rotary was 100mtrs out in the field and the decoy pattern was just in front of the hide?


Also what decoys did you use for the rotary please?





Yes the rotary was way out in the field and we used real birds on it. The flock would swoop down to the rotary and then into wind and come into the decoys in front of the hide.

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Birds are showing the same spooky nature in our area.


The truth some flocks being shot at alot causing them to spook easy in the land I soley shoot I am having alot more birds coming to deeks but where various shooters are shooting the birds are wary .


There has been a lack of wind for two months hopefully march winds will come and some early drilling.



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I think everyone is experiencing the same difficulties at the moment.


Big flocks of wary pigeons, with loads of rape fields to go at. Very little in terms of predictable behaviour, hard work trying to find birds moving along flight lines.


Hopefully later on in March the flocks should start to break up and make life a little easier.


This is the first year that I have put any real time to decoying pigeons and it is just plain hard graft at the moment.


The weather is definately not helping. I sat fishing the other weekend watching flocks of varying sizes passing over me on a roughish flight line.


This weekend the weather was not that much different. I was in the same area, but the blighters were in tighter flocks again and not moving much at all.


I think a lot of it is just the luck of the draw at the moment.

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