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squirrel cull

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vermin shoot 3 mile east of york aprox 3000 acre

im after a group 15 or so to go through woods this saturday and shoot squirrels aswell as knokning the drays out too and of course any other vermin that we see along the way rabbits crows pigeon hare fox and the like

please bring your own drays poles i you have them, guns and shells. shotguns only no autos for safety please

i cant guarantee large numbers but its a day out.

9 oclock start ,soup and roll prvided around 1130 should finish for 2

to sort the wheat from the chaff im going to ask for £20 a gun payable at the begining of the day

could lead to more days out for the right sort of lads and beating next season

pm for more details

Edited by keepastew
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vermin shoot 3 mile east of york

im after a group 15 or so to go through woods this saturday and shoot squirrels aswell as knokning the drays out too and of course any other vermin that we see along the way rabbits crows pigeon hare fox and the like

please bring your own drays poles, guns and shells. shotguns only no autos for safety please

i cant guarantee large numbers but its a day out.

9 oclock start ,soup and roll prvided around 1130 should finish for 2

to sort the wheat from the chaff im going to ask for £20 a gun payable at the begining of the day

could lead to more days out for the right sort of lads and beating next season

pm for more details



Good luck with that

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Is this the same bloke who was asking how he could make some money fast? :lol::lol:


Sorry Stew, but in this area of Yorkshire the land owner pays me to shoot squirrels. Well, he gives me ammo' anyway. :lol:

youve lost me on your first senteance

ok so your not coming then i take it


you choice of nick name says it all really and i would think that you could just be the sort of chap that wouldnt be suitable to join us hence the very reason i ask for twenty pound to sort out the wheat from the chaff

Edited by keepastew
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I'd take him up on the offer if I was a bit closer. Honestly lads, don't knock him because people like me who can't find permissions really appreciate these chances.



if you want a chance to try shooting(no squirrels though)and lamping only at the moment,then i will offer to take you out,no charge and bring your own flask and rolls.



Edited by albob
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if you want a chance to try shooting(no squirrels though)and lamping only at the moment,then i will offer to take you out,no charge and bring your own flask and rolls.




No free soup? :lol:


you have PM

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youve lost me on your first senteance

ok so your not coming then i take it


you choice of nick name says it all really and i would think that you could just be the sort of chap that wouldnt be suitable to join us hence the very reason i ask for twenty pound to sort out the wheat from the chaff

wish I was closer, nice of you to offer but I have noticed from the replies a lot of people on here want something for nothing, all take and no give.

straight shooting


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youve lost me on your first senteance

ok so your not coming then i take it


you choice of nick name says it all really and i would think that you could just be the sort of chap that wouldnt be suitable to join us hence the very reason i ask for twenty pound to sort out the wheat from the chaff


You take it right. I'm not coming. I'll be humping bags of wheat out to the woodland feeders, checking the traps and trying to shoot a few more squirrels and corvids before roost shooting in the evening. Just the sort of chap you don't want coming over there and spreading rumours of free vermin shooting :shifty:

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christ its 20 quid not the holy grail

i dont have to share anything with anyone but i felt that a nominal sum or 20 pound would keep time wasters and the wrong sort away and give decent folk a chance to have some sport safely aswell as me been new to the area i thought it would be a good way of meeting lads local and maybe gets some trustworthy sorts for beating and stuff

but im have been put of by the negative post and are simply gonna call it off

it could have let to alot more for the right sort of local lads so 20 quid int that much really was it

my old head keeper was right do everthing your self and never ask for any help well because of the morons on here have spoilt it for a lot of others

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