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squirrel cull

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Cheers guys, i have been looking for some shooting for ages and York is not too far from me, how can you knock someone who is

offering the chance to shoot?. I hope your negative comments dont put other people off offering a chance for some shooting.

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the best thing you can do is, treat your local farmers to a bottle, i used to ask them if there was any chance of a couple of flushes with my pup most will say i, when youve finished give um a bottle of wine ,say thanks and work your way up it, wont work every time but u will get some land take it from me ive got thousands of acres.

good luck give it a try keith

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If he'd worded it all differently he may have been met with a more positive response.

and just how should it be worded then perhaps like this

right i want a few lads to come and have a day ont vermin but i dont want thieves ,running dog men , terrier men and other such folk eyeing my shoot up . i would like safe reponsable trustworthy guns that arnt gonna shaft me at the first chance they get

now imagine the reaction that would have got

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WOW. I cant believe the responses to this keepastew must be gutted. How many of us blew £20.00 and more at the Shooting Show at Newark to look at over priced guns and gear, I paid £20.00 for my kids to have a go with air rifles, I've got 4 at home. How many people paid well over the odds for clay shooting and .22 rimfire on a range the length of my bathroom. So £20.00 does not seem to bad for a day out. So what if he was making a bit of cash for all we know he may put many hours of his time in this land. Does the fact that some people are willing to pay a small amount not give any of you any ideas. I once paid £5.00 for roost shooting in Selby, to be faIr the money raised went to charity. Help for heroes would be a good one guys. I hope keepastew isn't put off to much.There are lots of local decent lads about. Well me at least :yes:

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When keeper asks me and others for help, he doesnt say its going to cost us money.. As your aware I was one who wouldnt pay you £20.. But there are others on here who would and still will after some of the negative posts, and it wasnt my intention on spoiling it for others and I hand on heart apologise to them, and dont see why you shouldnt still have the offer for those still interested..lol

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keepastew....you probably would have got a better and more witty response!!!

I'm not against paying for shooting. I've done it myself. If the landowner wants to make money so be it. But £20 will never buy you good responsible shooters will it?

the fact is im a self employed keeper new to the area with hardley any contacts trying to attract a good sort of helpers beaters and i dont want any old tom **** and scaly turnin up

it wasnt about makin a quick buck just trying to deture the wrong sort

any way im over it now so lets move on

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the fact is im a self employed keeper new to the area with hardley any contacts trying to attract a good sort of helpers beaters and i dont want any old tom **** and scaly turnin up

it wasnt about makin a quick buck just trying to deture the wrong sort

any way im over it now so lets move on


keepastew, you have pm...

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keepastew obviously some people have given you a hard time and it is difficult if you're new to the area. I'd suggest a bit of drinking in the local and trying to work out a few people who used to beat on the shoot and get contacts that way. Your offer was genuine if you're worried about people etc its worth getting people to pm you with phone numbers so you can talk to them and sound them out. Generally if you make sure everyone has a shotgun ticket that means the police have vetted them to a certain level. personally with an offer like it I would do it on a strictly limited numbers basis.

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personally keepa stew as a ex keeper myself the last thing i would of done is go on a open access forum and invited people onto my new shoot for any amount of money i think by charging you are encouraging people to have a look about dog men etc like you said the only people that would be willing to pay are newbies with no land of there own (everyone has to start somewhere not a dig ) or men that see some future benifit ie you deer pheasant etc a keeper will have loads of freinds who want to do free vermin control and help out if he is worth his salt or he does it himself and and has no help. time is all it takes not by asking every tom **** and harry plus trying to charge for the privelage

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i felt that a nominal sum or 20 pound would keep time wasters and the wrong sort away and give decent folk a chance to have some sport safely aswell as me been new to the area i thought it would be a good way of meeting lads local and maybe gets some trustworthy sorts for beating and stuff

What sort of people exactly do you think we are. I wouldn't mind paying £20 for a day out with like minded lads and maybe ladies, but this comment offends me.

I will not be sending any money your way, even if you did live nearer!


ruined for everyone who fancied it because of those who cant resist criticizing...... the i am holier than thou brigade strike again!!!!

iv u dont like it..dont post!!!! :lol:

The holier than thou brigade have attacked this one because of the first post offering VERMIN SHOOTING at a cost. I could get an arranged rough shoot day for that, with GUARANTEED sport.


Takes the **** a bit in my eyes. I will be attending a vermin day, for nothing I must add, with drey poles included, nearer to me, with a new keeper!

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What sort of people exactly do you think we are. I wouldn't mind paying £20 for a day out with like minded lads and maybe ladies, but this comment offends me.

I will not be sending any money your way, even if you did live nearer!



The holier than thou brigade have attacked this one because of the first post offering VERMIN SHOOTING at a cost. I could get an arranged rough shoot day for that, with GUARANTEED sport.


Takes the **** a bit in my eyes. I will be attending a vermin day, for nothing I must add, with drey poles included, nearer to me, with a new keeper!

we arent all as fortunate as you are obviously!!!

the post was an offer open to everyone..the fact that you choose NOT to accept doesnt give u the rite to slag anyone off!!!

and as said befor..now ruined!!!

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