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Spring Barley


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Has anyone else got any spring barley drill in yet? Ours was started on saturday and finished rolling yesterday. My dad went up to the farm this moring and said it was blue with em on one field. He has only managed 6 so far tho, that was at 1300.


I havnt noticed any of the surrounding farms been drilled yet, could we be the first in Hampshire? Im going up Saturday on another field that he isnt shooting so hopefully they will find that in time.


I also have a question about using a magnet on drill. Should i or shouldnt i? I only ask because i hve got some peas going in soon.





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Our neighbour has a rape field next to one of our drilled fields. My dad was not shooting this but said when he packed up yesterday he could see they were flopping in over the hedge from the rape field and vice versa. He guestermated around 1000. Im just hoping these rain showers were getting today clears and we can have a good shoot tomorrow. There are four of us going up onto 3 fields so we should keep them moving. Does anybody recommend a magnet on drill? Or just decoys?



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There is no sign of any drilling round here at the moment, the ground is still quite wet in places and the Farmers seem to be concentrating on spraying the rape and clearing the land drains.


I have used a magnet on drilling, but often the open nature of the field means that your decoys can be seen from quite a distance.

It does help if you have a couple of bouncers or floaters in the layout.

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Has anyone else got any spring barley drill in yet? Ours was started on saturday and finished rolling yesterday. My dad went up to the farm this moring and said it was blue with em on one field. He has only managed 6 so far tho, that was at 1300.


I havnt noticed any of the surrounding farms been drilled yet, could we be the first in Hampshire? Im going up Saturday on another field that he isnt shooting so hopefully they will find that in time.


I also have a question about using a magnet on drill. Should i or shouldnt i? I only ask because i hve got some peas going in soon.






One of my shoots was done last weekend, pigeons have been all over it all week, going to have a bash at them tomorrow.....if they are still there :huh:

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can i ask a stupid question about spring drillings? im going to anyway. i was told that the pigeons dont like the barley that is coated with a red pestiside before planting? now i have shot a few with full crops with red barley. is there any truth in thepigeons not liking the sown seeds that are coated with this red pestiside?

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can i ask a stupid question about spring drillings? im going to anyway. i was told that the pigeons dont like the barley that is coated with a red pestiside before planting? now i have shot a few with full crops with red barley. is there any truth in thepigeons not liking the sown seeds that are coated with this red pestiside?


Mark there are not as keen on it till it has had rain wash but after eating greens for 5 months it will not totally put them off.


I am lucky to have a couple of organic farms and the pigeons for certain prefer there non coated seed.


Regards OTH

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lots of drillings going in here was watching the pigeons actually landing in behind the drill then next day nothing because of the soil conditions the seed beds seem to be very good hence not leaving a lot on top and them not feeding it for days.

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I think the pigeons had finished with our farm and moved onto another, so not much action yesterday :welcomeani:


The ones we did drop were full of barley seed though :lol:


We used shell decoys with sillo sock jackets and hyper-flaps on the rotary, and the few birds that did come over our way decoyed perfectly :hmm:

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the farm i shoot on is starting drilling this week agen just spring barley but luckily in two completely seperate areas and both have proved pigeon hotspots. we use the corn from last year as seed and just pay a bit in royalties or watever u wanna call it. but this means no coating but usually (fingers crossed) some excellant pigeon shooting, it looks like we will be the only ones drilling within a good couple of miles on both bits of land. The only problem is that one set of 4 fields is quite close to some rape this could help-they could go to rape and come back in smaller grps-or could be bad- they could go to the rape an stay ther! i will definately be reporting on this forum tho and who knows may get a gd day in with some decent pics!!!!!! :o

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Well after seeing thousands early on Saturday. 4 of us on the 3 fields that were drilled were. urs truly with a gob smacking 8, me dad with an unbeatable 9, mate no.1 with 8 and mate no.2 with a big fat 0. Not the most of productive days we have ever had, but the company was good and it didnt rain for a change. Bring on the peas!

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