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You will need to be insured... your BASC membership gives you that! That's a reason to join if nothing else and BASC represent all types of shooting. If all you shoot is competitive clays then look at the CPSA, otherwise, get yer 'and in yer pocket and join BASC!

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The BASC is probably the best of the bunch, it should be, it is also the most expensive, and yes I am a member!!! :lol::lol: , but I keep wondering every time the membership renewal turns up as it did Thursday!!...Inflation or what, someone needs to tell them the bank rate has been 1/2% for a year, so how come my membership has gone up about 8% :lol::P


If you are just into shotguns take a look at the CPSA!


My personal view is that everyone who carries any sort of gun around the countryside should have insurance, and all the organisations deal with that! :welcomeani::hmm:

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BASC got a restriction on my FAC removed, after I complained about it. They wrote and telephoned the person in charge of the firearms department many times, unitl they agreed to llift the restriction.

They have also been helpful for advise on numerous occasions. My only 'gripe' is that membership cannot be paid quartely, instead of a one off yearly payment.

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You will get mixed answers on here as you will get recomendations based on peoples experiences with them. I am insured through BASC but I wouldnt recomend them to anyone as every time I have requested help from them, mainly advice on variations or conditions they have been absolutley hopeless not giving advise via email as they said it was a legal matter not open at weekends to answer questions when us normal people are off work but after contacting another insurance provider whom I am not a member of they sent me an email explaining the info I required about a condition on my license (they never mentioned anything about legal or not). On the insurance side of things fingers crossed I have never needed to use this service upto now but all the same I wouldn't take any of my guns out without some sort of cover and there are plent of different groups out there so basically look at them all and take your pick some may be better than others but you need to pick the one that best suits you.

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If you just want insurance, there are cheaper. If you want to support an organisation who are listened to in parliament, and will lobby effectively for shooters rights making sure our kids can enjoy the sport then for my money it's BASC all the way. Your average MP will have heard of BASC (because they are lobbying them all the time) but won't have heard of the smaller organisations.


On a more selfish note. I just got a 700 acre permission where BASC membership was a condition that was inisted on, no ifs or buts. I'm fairly sure if I'd said I was with SACS or similar (no offence to those that are), they would have said who?

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