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Hunt pack "savages" family pet dog

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Another big shot in the foot for hunts, if ANY of the hunt members had taken the time to deal with the situation properly this would likely not have made the news.


It's kids and a puppy we're talking about here, rights or wrongs of who should be there and who shouldn't don't come into it; accidents happen and its how they're dealt with after the event that determines how people feel.

WGD..couldn't agree more with the above,surely to God someone there should of had the common sense and the compassion to deal with the children and there pet properly.The hunt should have been the ones on the news giving the kids a new pup.The Newry harriers shouldn't be allowed to roam the countryside if that's the way there gonna behave,just seems they think they can trample over what ever they like.

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This is a pack of Harriers, and Harriers hunt the Hare. Also the pack would have been under control of the hunstman NOT the master Mrs Close.


It is unusual but not unheard of for a pack of hounds to riot on a pet dog, after all go to any meet of hounds and you will see many pet dogs with their owners amongst the hounds all getting on like a house on fire.


If we believe the "facts" as reported, and we all know how news papers report on field sports, is unfortunate that the hunt did not act with more tact and understanding when dealing with the situation. I know that all our local packs would be mortified if such a thing happened. In fact in a similar situation we would stop hunting for the day and the senior hunt officials would bend over backeards to make ammends.


As far as hounds rioting on sheep are concerned, believe me any hound doing such a thing only does it once. It's back to the kennels and shot.


Not all hunts are made up of chinless wonders, ours are certainly not, I like to think that I have a bit of a chin and am certainly not a toff but then I wear tweeds for shooting and dont use an auto on phesant days ..................so what do I know. It's just a shame that some stereotype certain sports without knowing anything about them.

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the same people are involved in both the harriers and the fox hunt, i apologise as i thought it was the same master in both (or perhaps he isnt the master as i was led to believe??), anyway my mistake. although for a bit more background on the harriers, please take a look here...




oh and a bit more here, down near the bottom dated 7th feb 07



Edited by Ozzy Fudd
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the same people are involved in both the harriers and the fox hunt, i apologise as i thought it was the same master in both, my mistake. although for a bit more background on the harriers, please take a look here...




oh and a bit more here, down near the bottom dated 7th feb 07





Very interesting Ozzy...................the second link to the ANTI website contains the worst sort of properganda imaginable.

Believe that trash and you will believe anything.


Are you sure your not an Anti in disguise.

Edited by CharlieT
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Very interesting Ozzy...................the second link to the ANTI website contains the worst sort of properganda imaginable.

Believe that trash and you will believe anything.


Are you sure your not an Anti in disguise.


the second link may be an anti website, but if you click the full story link youll see it came from the local paper http://www.newrydemocrat.com/news/story/in...px?trs=gbsnidkf (newry democrat). and the first one is one of our national papers (in northern ireland anyway), and relates to an area called Ballymoyer near Newtownhamilton, where i sometimes shoot and which is about 8 miles from my house - i knew both of these stories already and looked it up on google for the full info.


as for being an anti in disguise? im not disguising anything. i thought i made it pretty clear in earlier posts that after the dealings ive had with these idiots im no longer a fan of fox (or hare :o) hunting, maybe youd care to go back and re-read them?? :o


oh yes, and as for propaganda, yes, it may well be. but no matter what purpose its being used for the facts of the cases remain the same, so dont try to shrug it off with that. what would happen to you or me if we trespassed on someones land and shot their cat or dog? i doubt we'd get away with it simply be refusing to comment to the bbc about it... :o

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Some interesting comments here ...


Lets just say I would suggest that you should not believe all that you heard on the BBC report. (Surprise surprise ...)


But the fact remains that yes a dog was killed and that is a most unfortunate incident. Given the potential for anti-hunt lobbyists and 'activists' to make a media scrum out of this, to actually believe that any Hunt in Ireland would not act on an incident such as this immediately is naive to say the least. I'm sure every Hunt nowadays has a very well drilled procedure that they follow.


The Hunt committee will have the official line 'We are very sorry this incident happened .... but unfortunately we cannot comment any further at this time'.


This is for a reason .... when someone is taking legal action against them they have no other choice as it is possible they can be coerced into saying a damaging statement - all questions need to be directed via solicitors.


That BBC report was made after the legal action had begun ... so it's not surprising they were able to smugly say the Hunt 'refused to comment' ...


Quite a few however know a different story to that day's (and following few days) events, but the Hunt I'm sure know that its better to keep on the legal line and act in a way that keeps damage limitation to the fore.


Where there's the possibility of a nice 'claim' a little local publicity never hurts I guess? Wonder how long it will be before we start getting claims about birdshot pickles falling on somebodys slates or a winged bird falling in someones garden and causing stress/trauma .... some Northern Ireland residents just seem to think compensation is another word for additional benefits!


I wonder what the BBC's answer would be if asked who gave them permission to film the hounds at the Hunt's Kennels? As a Hunt is a Private Club, that would be private property I'm sure? I really don't think the Kennel man would have said 'Ok' so they must have snuck in to get the footage??


Hunts are (or should be) highly prepared for all incidents that can happen during a day's meet. The Huntsman/Master, Field Masters, Hunting members and followers will note any damage done to gates and fences and will return as soon as possible to repair it - or recompense the landowner if necessary.


The modern Hunt (speaking for N. Ireland at least) is far from being made up of snobs and arrogant individuals. They are mostly made up of local landowners/farmers and they have their own 'country' in which they hold the meets. All Hunts are governed by the Master Of Hounds in Dublin and have strict rules to follow. A hunt member who does not act in a fit or proper way in the field will be told to go home by the Master/Huntsman


If someone claims they were verbally abused by a Hunt member - it's probably true - but they might neglect to mention that they had just placed both themselves and the mounted member in danger by doing something dumb like running in front of them flapping a coat or tossing paint or pepper at them ... or just screaming abuse. If you were quietly sitting with your air rifle and a rambler came by and called you a murdering **** would you feel tempted to tell them what you thought of them too in passing or try and hold a debate instead? We're all only human ...


The gun users among us here will be all too aware of the 'Sporting Rights' issue. A Gun Club will seek the shooting rights from the landowners and vigorously defend them once they have them. From a legal view, especially in Ireland, it's very possible that the landowners don't actually even hold the Hunting, Shooting and Fishing rights to their ground if they inspected their deeds .... but it would be most unusual for any Hunt to enforce this upon them..... I believe the term 'gentlemanly conduct' and 'respect for others property' is hoped to be seen in action from any Hunt.


However, when a pack is in full cry after a quarry, I'm sure it is sometimes a difficult task to get them stopped before they land up somewhere you'd rather they were not. Having said that, it also is quite amazing to see a disciplined pack of hunting hounds gathered tightly round the Huntsman's/Master's horse at the gallop as they move to a spot to cast for a spoor.


I know for a fact that the Newry Hunt do not use terriors to dig out a fox ... once the fox goes to earth, it's left alone (in fact I believe all Irish Hunts are required to allow its quarry the sanctuary of its earth - maybe I'm wrong). However, that does not stop anyone unconnected with the Hunt who happens to be following at a discreet distance coming after the pack has moved on and using their own Terriors and Lurchers. The Hunt has *nothing* to do with these individuals and would never condone their actions.


If you Hunt with dogs, Shoot or Fish then you need to sit up and make sure you act responsibly more than ever now. We who were brought up in the countryside and depend on it for a living are well aware of the amount of vermin rated wildlife in our areas and in our own way are undertaking responsibility for Countryside Management. If it was left to Government to work out a method of management ... it would be a sad countryside! If a fox is killing your lambs you don't call the Government - you get out there with a gun and lamp and sit in the rain ...


I may not be a member of a Hunt, or even a horse rider, but I do respect their organisation and discipline in the front line of the hostilities so to speak. Unfortunately for a Hunt, they are a very visible thing as compared to a lone gun or air rifle planted in a hedgerow somewhere - so they are the easy targets for the anti-bloodsport types - I've seen some wild guys hanging out of the windows of moving vehicles at night with lamps and lethal centrefire rifles pot shotting at Deer without any regard of backstopping, I've seen pet dogs and lambs ripped to bits by lurchers, I've seen people shooting rooks in the nest during the breeding season, I've seen pet cats with .22 air rifle slugs and BBs in them, been on the far side of a wood hearing 22 ricochets buzzing a few feet over my head etc etc ... so we all need to be a bit careful on who we damn and who we dont. It could be your particular field sport next under the microscope ...


Just my opinion .... 'Without Prejudice' as they say ... forgive any errors and omissions!

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Excellent post rimfire.

Good link Ozzy, not sure why a shooter would side with the anti vermin but I guess it sits easy with you ? Thanks for the hilarity that is the hysteria of " monitors " getting a kicking, richly deserved.

Laughable truth of the matter is that if the hunts comply with the class law that is the ban, shooting will be the next target, they wont go away and knit tofu socks.

Bit out of order to name people on a public forum, I know the details are widely available but why not contact the LACS and see if they want to join your witch hunt ? :good:

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Excellent post rimfire.

Good link Ozzy, not sure why a shooter would side with the anti vermin but I guess it sits easy with you ? Thanks for the hilarity that is the hysteria of " monitors " getting a kicking, richly deserved.

Laughable truth of the matter is that if the hunts comply with the class law that is the ban, shooting will be the next target, they wont go away and knit tofu socks.

Bit out of order to name people on a public forum, I know the details are widely available but why not contact the LACS and see if they want to join your witch hunt ? :hmm:


what gives you the idea i side with the anti's?! i have no time for them - incase you hadnt noticed i shoot and fish, im "not into" hunting with dogs but i have no problem with it. however i dont buy into all this "shooters/hunters/fishermen" must stick together cack, and i most definitely i do NOT side with people who trespass and run rampant on my land, let their hounds attack livestock, try to intimidate me and in their actions give ALL hunters a bad name. i had plenty (more in fact) trouble at that time with idiots out lamping, who thought they had a god given right to shoot on our land, beside the house, in the middle of the night. does that mean that because i shoot i should have put up with it??


ps dont think i named anyone in any of my posts, infact i intentionally didnt name any individuals (or is that not aimed at me? :good:)

Edited by Ozzy Fudd
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It looks like this hunt are bit different from the 2 that i would follow regulary, both make sure that their presences is welcome on the land and will always have a few boys fixing the damage to fences etc that are done while they hunt. I know this for a fact as if i'm not working i would follow the hunt plus my da has been following them for years! Yes you get some hoo ray henrys but as has been said before most of them are nouvea riche who think the have to prove how much money they have. Incidents like this don't do much for their rep but don't tar every hunt with the same brush!!

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