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Letter of the Month,hic.


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Came home last night and a bottle shaped parcel sitting on the table.Turns out its from Sporting Shooter for letter of the month and its a bottle of the Famous Grouse.Being a true Jock,and considering the **** weather,this begs the question.Work,or Whiskey with deep fried mars bar chasers. ;)

Edited by sako751sg
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Well done you. will have to go and get a copy as your right about the weather its snowing now so it might help pass the time as im not going out to work in it


Went to Meldrum but its baltic and snow dinging down.Now at home with a nice warm feeling in the gut.Dont think the mag is out yet.



As we don't buy mags, let's see the award winning letter please.


Will try and copy from my emails fella.Not sure how to but will have a try.



Sako you lucky man, always nice to get something for nothing enjoy :drinks:

A mate of mine fills all they crosswords in sporting shooter and sporting gun,he won 2 pair of wellies last season ??? If he fell in the harbour it would have ****en water in it. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Great to get something for nothing all right.The funny thing is,the letter was an arguement against last months letter of the month regarding .17hmr for foxes.

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In response to Brian Mooney and his letter regarding the 17HMR,can i please ask all the responsible journalists that he pleads with to sing from his hymn sheet,to have a mind of their own and not to pander to such an egotistical being as him.Im not going to claim "i think i can speak with some authority" on the subject,as im sure the vast majority of experienced fox shooters are,without having to tell you that.On most articles on the calibre,wind and distance issues are discussed whereas Mr Mooney just flatly refuses that the calibre will do the job.Im getting the impression that he has very limited capabilities with rifles and feels the need to have a heavier bullet to compensate for poor bullet placement.He points to the evidence of calibre\energy needed for deer,and im sure if he is a keen stalker he has had deer run,sometimes a considerable distance,after an engine room shot.Is he saying that foxes hit there and run 80 yards suffer more than a deer that runs the same?I think as most unbiased individuals would agree,its the person behind the rifle and if they are confident of the shot then there should be no problem.This pathetic quotes of his,"having a go" and "instances of miraculous fox shots with the 17HMR" he hears come from the mouths of the shooter,and not the rifle.In the last quote you can exchange the "17HMR" for nearly any other calibre as there are as many claims with them as with the smaller one.I have only shot foxes out to 120 yards with the .17,and a bullet in the engine room has never resulted in anything other than a dead fox,usually running no more than 40 yards.If this is not effective enough for him can i suggest a membership to LACS is in order.Im glad he realises he isnt up to the job of hitting a fox at that range in the vitals and advise him to stick to the bigger calibre to cover the deficiencies in his marksmanship.




Managed.Learn something new every day.Must be the whusky.

Edited by sako751sg
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Well put Sako751sg my friend! I am with you on the 17HMR being extremely capable as a Fox shooting rifle (Within certain limitations). It's such a shame that we can not have all of the Forces throughout the country singing from the same hymn sheet. There needs to be difinite ruling as to whether the 17HMR should be accepted as a legal fox caliber or not and until that time comes the controversy over the 17HMR issue will continue to rage!


p.s. Enjoy the Grouse mate!

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Well put Sako751sg my friend! I am with you on the 17HMR being extremely capable as a Fox shooting rifle (Within certain limitations). It's such a shame that we can not have all of the Forces throughout the country singing from the same hymn sheet. There needs to be difinite ruling as to whether the 17HMR should be accepted as a legal fox caliber or not and until that time comes the controversy over the 17HMR issue will continue to rage!


p.s. Enjoy the Grouse mate!


Cheers fella,and its sliding down nicely ta.Few spelling mistakes might creep in soon. ???

The thing with the forces is they can go by recommendations from shooting "authorities",and as we all know even they have divided opinions on calibre capabilities.As long as we all know the limitations of what we are using and make bullet placement the priority then there should be no probs.I agree that the .17 HMR should be universally accepted for fox control.

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At the end of the day a dead fox is the result required as humainly as ***, This type of ill informed argumet as the man you have written about only fules the antie and the plod into the restricted use of the caliber. a22lr would do the job and kill deer but banned for the latter as you have stated shot placement is key top man and spot on mate enjoy the wee dram lol

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Noo lang here we come tae auld Meldrum toon - sorry :hmm: weel done neebur - only had a deep fried mars bar once & it was in Newtonmore :good: better wae salt & vinegar :hmm:



At the end of the day a dead fox is the result required as humainly as ***, This type of ill informed argumet as the man you have written about only fules the antie and the plod into the restricted use of the caliber. a22lr would do the job and kill deer but banned for the latter as you have stated shot placement is key top man and spot on mate enjoy the wee dram lol


Spot on fella.Enjoyed the dram too much,and was feeling the effects before dinner time.I remember why i stopped drinking the evil stuff years ago now.

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Nice one Sako :no:


I read the article and wondered what the chap writing it was on about :P


I personaly have not had one fox run far after being hit with a 17, infact if they run at all.


A good piece :hmm: one in the eye for the author of the origanal article ???

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