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Bolt or Semi .22


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Hi All,


I am looking for some views on .22lr rifles. What is the most robust, reliable and accurate out of the two styles bolt action or semi auto? Has anyone had a bad experience with either?


I am looking for a good all rounder!





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better get the popcorn for this one :lol: :blink:


bolts - simple to use, simple to clean, slightly more accurate than a semi


semi's - can be a pain in the ***, but when you find ammo they like youre onto a winner, quick second shot can be a godsend at times. also lots of fun :hmm:

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i've got a bolt action, from what i've been told semi are too fussy when it comes to ammo you've got to find one that 1) it shoots accurately and 2) it cycles reliably so i'd say bolt everytime how often is it you use a follow up shot quicker that you can pull a bolt backwards and push it forwards again anyway it takes 2 seconds

Edited by bicykillgaz
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Simple answer is whichever takes your fancy.

A bolt action would be very slightly more accurate but a rabbit would not know the difference. Semi auto's are great fun and over 5 million 10.22 users can't be wrong !. Keep it clean and an auto will not give you any problems and will shoot 10p size groups at 75yds all day long.

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Simple answer is whichever takes your fancy.

A bolt action would be very slightly more accurate but a rabbit would not know the difference. Semi auto's are great fun and over 5 million 10.22 users can't be wrong !. Keep it clean and an auto will not give you any problems and will shoot 10p size groups at 75yds all day long.



You got a new magazine in the post aswel :lol:

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