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600+ pigeon seen to night


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been on some new land to day at 3.30 :lol: and there was 600 pigeon on it in one 20 acre rape field but theres a public right of way going through it but its at the top of the field about 1/4 way down from the top it dont look like theres loads of people walking through it just a few i would say ..now what i need to know is how close can i shoot too it ,,can i shoot with my back to it or is there a limit to how close or is it just common sence... :lol: as i need to know as im shooting it in the morning :lol: well i was ratting with my terriers sunday but after seeing this lot im pigeon shooting insted :o

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you can shoot it but look out for anyone walking the foot path keep as far away as you can from it i asked the basc last year when i was shooting a foot path on a rape field.have a good time on it hope they are there tomorrow i went out yesterday went back today none there .

Edited by mossy835
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been shooting pigeon most of the day shot like a **** for the first time in a long time i put it down to not sleeping to well last night but you can bet im going bed early to night :lol: still got a bag full today though :lol: went to one field last friday to have a look for saturday 300 pigeon on it ..satday came shot 4 in two hrs :lol: moved on fast :lol: to some more land as you can see by the pic they wanted to play :o no i not in the nppc



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This was posted by hesky, in answer to a similar question regarding footpaths.


"The public highway


Shoot managers and Guns must ensure that shooting does not obstruct, cause danger or alarm to users of the public highway, including roads, bridleways, footpaths and other rights of way.

In particular, care should be taken when siting Guns near public highways. Section 161 of the Highways Act 1980 (England & Wales) makes it an offence to discharge a firearm within 50 ft of the centre of a highway having vehicular rights without lawful authority or excuse, if as a result a user of the highway is injured, interrupted or endangered.

The Highways Act does not apply in Scotland but Procurators Fiscal may use common law offences of 'culpable and reckless conduct' and 'reckless endangerment' in situations in which the 1980 Act would be contravened in England and Wales.

To shoot across a footpath or bridleway may constitute a public nuisance or wilful obstruction. There may also be a liability in negligence if it is known that people are on, or likely to be on, the path.

Information signs, if appropriate, should be erected on shoot days on footpaths or bridleways.

The siting of release pens near highways should be avoided. Game managers should collect and dispose of road casualties where possible.

Shoot managers must not position Guns in such a way that spent shot or birds might fall onto the road.



Try here mate i think you will find all you want to know.


http://www.basc.org.uk/ "


A complete answer that says it all. :lol:

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I've always found that when shooting anywhere near a footpath the pigeons get pretty scarce while anyone is in range. They rarely creep about in cammo gear and very often have a wild dog chasing around all over the place with them. Typical example of a situation where you just need to use your own judgement and common sense IMHO.

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