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You can still sell a carcase into an AGHE without being registered as a 'Trained Hunter' but you must supply it complete with head, feet and pluck so that a registered person can inspect it for signs of disease and take the appropriate action if necessary before it is introduced into the food chain.


If you do the above what about the guts, do you need to put these in a bag.

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So what about the one's that took this DSC-1 years ago, & have the meat hygiene,


There was no ID Number for this trained hunter certificate included ?




they asked you to send off for an updated certificate a couple of years ago,


the new one has a number on it.

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Its true alot of butchers and restaurants take venison from unlicensed stalkers. There is more to just inspecting the gralloch and throat nodes, the behaviour of the deer before being shot is a good indication to its health. We have a heck of alot of deer poaching in the Forest of Dean as they do in Channock chase, the deer are being netted and shot with any old firearm and then butchered on the forest floor. Not only does this mean terrible health issues from faeces contaminated meat in inexperienced hands it also means danger to the public by the use of firearms. Having some kind of licensing system is the only way to control the sale of venison and hopefully stamp on illigal deer slaughter, bit like the ivory trade ( still a few elephants in the forest :hmm: ) control the trade and hopefully reduce the slaughter.

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This weekend was assessment weekend for the DSC1 course I enrolled in. As you all may know: There is a shooting test; safety test; deer recognition test; general deer and stalking knowledge test; and meat handling test.


Short story is I passed!


Now I need a place to stalk :yes:



Well done...just like I would say to anyone who passed their driving test...now you need to learn how to drive!!


Don't take it personally, it is the way of the world, and I really do mean well done...now you have to learn how to stalk deer!


It's the old chestnut, I don't have it at all but the MET, Thames Valley and Wilts feel I am more than competant to be a Deer Mentor for them..funny old world! :hmm::oops:

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Well done...just like I would say to anyone who passed their driving test...now you need to learn how to drive!!


Don't take it personally, it is the way of the world, and I really do mean well done...now you have to learn how to stalk deer!


It's the old chestnut, I don't have it at all but the MET, Thames Valley and Wilts feel I am more than competant to be a Deer Mentor for them..funny old world! :hmm::)


FYI: I've been shooting since childhood, and have stalked (hunted) deer in the United States - my native land - having killed (and eaten) several beasts before I moved to Europe. I took the DSC1 to learn UK law and custom when it comes to stalking and firearms, though I already had my FAC & SGC for a year now.


It's hard getting used to the need for an FAC & SGC coming from a place where a rifle, shotgun, or handgun, with any action, and ammo can be purchased by any adult citizen that does not have a crimial record. But used to it I am, and I'm happy that I now have a safe full of sporting arms and a place to use to them.

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Well done...just like I would say to anyone who passed their driving test...now you need to learn how to drive!!


Don't take it personally, it is the way of the world, and I really do mean well done...now you have to learn how to stalk deer!


It's the old chestnut, I don't have it at all but the MET, Thames Valley and Wilts feel I am more than competant to be a Deer Mentor for them..funny old world! :hmm::)


same as that i havent done the DSC1 but i am mentoring 2 seperate guys for deer .

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Can I ask what mentoring someone for deer, actually entails?


Put simply... SAFETY, the safe shooting of deer, Gralloching, training them in safe Fieldcraft, etc, etc and then commiting your approval of them to the police!! During this period the shooter cannot deer stalk alone!


The police put a lot of faith in mentors, each region will have its own take on what they want covered and time scales, but a crude guide is 6 months and 6 deer! I deal with the Met, Wilts and Thames Valley, they are all a bit different! :good::hmm:


They simply want you to safisfy them the guy is safe to be let out alone on deer!

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Whats the cost to do just the DSC1 assement.

Mine was £85 for registration and £50 for assessment, you have to register before assessment. On top of this you will need either David Strettens book or the BDS manual which will set you back around £30. This will have the bank of questions in it and the information to find the answers. You can buy a cd on deer ident but I did this through searching the internet. So £165 plus ammo for shooting test, I paid 95pence per round and did it in the 9 shots ( cos I'm tight, nothing to do with being an excellent marksman.)

I will say that its pretty nerve wracking when you walk into a room full of blokes that have been bonding for 3 days previously with the knowledge of an assessor at hand. If you know nothing of deer then I would air toward the training course as you don't save a fortune and there is a lot to learn.

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