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help and advice on my first shotgun


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been doing clays for a while now and i have just sent off my forms, i want to buy an o/u 12 bore but im left handed and was wondering if anyone can recommend anywhere around suffolk/noffolk/essex or a website that i can browse? the guns going to be used for rough shooting and clays so ideally I would want multi chocked

anything for sale would also be interesting but itll be a while before my lisence goes through i reckon!



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Hi Tom (another tom here) I have been shooting right handed but have a left master eye so am having gun adjusted to my left shoulder at the moment its a right hander but has little cast. It actually fits me better left handed... I would say go to a decent gunsmith if you can find one rather than a shop. A shop will always sell whats in stock and L/H guns are rare and pricey (very few are true left handers but right handers with stock set out the other way so your almost as well buying a gun you like and having it fitted but that adds another £100+ (i my case double that but am having it all refinished at the same time) to a tight budget (dont get me wrong £300 is ALOT of money!) but at that level your possibly going to be in older discontinued stuff thats been traded in or given up on (expensive to get parts or impossible).


My advice would be stick a wanted add up at local clay club (explain the situation and ask to try 25 carts before you decide) and get the instructor to check the fit of it to you, it will take 4-6 weeks min for cert so don't jump at the first gun, try a few and i am sure people selling will understand and wait if you give them a deposit or ask if you can keep it at the club in the meantime, i was offered a Miroku for that sort of money a month or so ago so they do come up (i decided to stick with may grandfather's 40 year old SxS as i quite like being a bit different.....)

Edited by HDAV
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Don't worry too much about detail but concentrate on getting a gun that fits you. Thats the most important thing. If it comes up to the eye when you mount it then everything else is secondary. I have long been a fan of the Baikals, the finish is not always as good as you might wish but a lot of people get on with the fit and shoot well with them. You will know when you find one you like, or more to the point, it likes you.


Close you eyes then mount the gun, open your eyes and see where the gun is pointing. If it fits you will be looking straight along the top of the barrel without having to make any adjustment to your eye position. If the gun doesn't fit you will be having to make that adjustment every time you shoot it.


Also, you will never wear out a Baikal, they are extremely robust. Our club Baikal saw off thousands of cartridges and was still very tight when we sold it. A lot of people learned to shoot with that gun and everyone got on well with it.

Edited by Vince Green
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thanks for the tips, trulock and haris is 10 minutes from me but its pricey as you have suggested, the reason i was after a left gun is my dominant eye is my left so i shoot of my left shoulder which took some getting used too. i am an airgunner too and have shot right handed for about 8 years!!

on issue i was having with the clays was breaking the shot gun the leaver seemed to go the opposite way, if you understand what i mean? so would a left handed gun solve this? on the budget front i can spend 500 quid but as its my first gun id like to spend a bit less than that, not fussed about second hand as long as spares are still acessable.



Edited by maverick123
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on issue i was having with the clays was breaking the shot gun the leaver seemed to go the opposite way, if you understand what i mean? so would a left handed gun solve this? on the budget front i can spend 500 quid but as its my first gun id like to spend a bit less than that, not fussed about second hand as long as spares are still acessable.




in most LH guns the action is the same as the RH guns but the stock is cast the other way, very few proper left handers ( a couple of Semis models have proper left handed versions) for OU not sur ethere are soem but rare as white rhinos dancing with pandas to the dodo band.....

Edited by HDAV
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thanks for the tips, trulock and haris is 10 minutes from me but its pricey as you have suggested, the reason i was after a left gun is my dominant eye is my left so i shoot of my left shoulder which took some getting used too. i am an airgunner too and have shot right handed for about 8 years!!

on issue i was having with the clays was breaking the shot gun the leaver seemed to go the opposite way, if you understand what i mean? so would a left handed gun solve this? on the budget front i can spend 500 quid but as its my first gun id like to spend a bit less than that, not fussed about second hand as long as spares are still acessable.




Hi Tom

Just to let you know we do offer free gun fitting with guns purchased from us. Billy (gunsmith) will check the gun fit and advise on what or if any alterations are needed. Have a look at my website www.countryfieldsports.co.uk or you are welcome to ring the shop on 01692 404806

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I'm in a similar position, I've been looking for a left cast / handed gun for about 2-3 months now, just haven't found anything suitable. I'm seriously considering buy a right hander and getting the cast changed, but then you end up blowing the budget to fix something "not right".



Changing the cast on a gun isn't to expensive but it is a highly skilled job. I was watching my gunsmith bending stocks today and he was telling me its all about getting a feel for what is right and sure enough he gets it right every time. I don't think I will be trying it out though. Anyhow we charge £50.00 for the first bend and £25.00 per bend thereafter. However if you needed 2 bends and he could do them at the same time we would only charge £50.00. Hope this gives you an idea of the costs involved.

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thats alot less than i thought it would be to change the cast, the reason i asked about the the actual mech is that when i was clay shooting i found it a bit awkward breaking the guns. obviously if they are rare then im gunna struggle so something else to master i guess! when my ticket comes through ill deffinately be heading up your way CFS.

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