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I just went out onto my field and shot a rabbit. On shooting it I heard a decent thwack as I usually do while using the .22lr semi auto pimp cannon. On inspection however i could find not a mark on the rabbit, certainly nothing on the head (where I was aiming). I gave it a full body pat down and found no blood on my fingers. Did it have a heart attack at the sight of me?

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I just went out onto my field and shot a rabbit. On shooting it I heard a decent thwack as I usually do while using the .22lr semi auto pimp cannon. On inspection however i could find not a mark on the rabbit, certainly nothing on the head (where I was aiming). I gave it a full body pat down and found no blood on my fingers. Did it have a heart attack at the sight of me?

either that or you gut shot it, if you missed any major blood vessels then it wouldn't bleed much anyway. open it up and investigate.

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Pity you did not skin it to see where the strike was.


Although, as you will find out when you do your medical degree, under some conditions the heart can keep on pumping for some time after 'death'. However, there are times when sudden and severe injury to the head, especially that involving the lower area of the brain towards to top of the spinal column will result in random neurological signals to the heart thus causing the heart to 'flutter' rather than pump - resulting in immediate cessation of blood flow.


I remember shooting a moorhen once; dead in the air, when I retrieved it (or rather the dog did) I could not find any injury at all- no blood, no damaged feathers, nothing. I took it to work and X-rayed it – a single pellet was in the brain!


Sorry , I dojn't thiink you have super powers



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Had the same with the HMR, which usually makes a messy exit wound. Often no obvious signs but after a while you find the exit in the fur.


This one didn't look touched! It was so manky and flea ridden that I chucked it, but wanted to have a look inside. The shot was 140 yards but even then it should make a nice hole.

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I shot a magpie out of a tree once with the HMR and heard the usual thwack and the bird fell out of the tree stone dead at 110 metres went over to clear the ground of dead animals and with the magpie there was no large exit wound or sign of blood, being black i know blood is hard to spot but i expected an entry hole of some description, it can happen but it`s definately there.


Just before anyone questions shooting a bird out of a tree with a rifle i was shooting downhill into a tree with a large steep slope field opposite which is also mine.

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A few years back me and a mate were lamping rabbits with the .22lr. We entered a field and shot 2 rabbits, both solid whacks. We went and picked the first and then started looking for the second, which was crawling towards a hedge line around 50 metres from where it was hit. I put another shot into it and it kept going so I fired another which stopped it. Getting to within 10 yards of it, it got up at speed and headed to the hedge. I then fired 2 more shots into its head from the semi auto .22 which stopped it, however on picking I had to do its neck.


We couldnt believe it. When I skinned it the first three shots had all gone through the chest and the last 2 through the head. The last one had taken half the skull off. I couldnt believe how solid this bunny was. We were using 40grain hollow point sub sonics.

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