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moira gamefair

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well, after all that, I went today, weather was overcast but dry


a serious amount of shooting stuff to be had if you were in the market for buying.


Had a good chat with the BASC ones, very helpful and friendly :unsure:



didn't get to see anything in the main arena though


was a good day out :sly:

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hi lads,


just back from moira fair. Went for both days, overcast and drizzle on and off on Saturday but Sunday a scorcher but windy.


Some nice new set ups, and some new stalls. Basc and CAI seemed to have a new set up, but couldn't find Roger Pollen anywhere. They looked busy but i think SACS were flat out with new members, seems that their new Deer Course is taking off like a rocket, not sure about the wee men in skirts that were outside the SACS tent though! <_<



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hi lads,


just back from moira fair. Went for both days, overcast and drizzle on and off on Saturday but Sunday a scorcher but windy.


Some nice new set ups, and some new stalls. Basc and CAI seemed to have a new set up, but couldn't find Roger Pollen anywhere. They looked busy but i think SACS were flat out with new members, seems that their new Deer Course is taking off like a rocket, not sure about the wee men in skirts that were outside the SACS tent though! <_<



For £100 im not surpirsed.. I ve already got my forms on order. Well Done S.A.C.S.

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hi mayfly,


i looked up the deer course details in the latest sacs magazine, looks like you can do the course even without being a member. They must have been flat out taking new members anyway and dealing with other lads who wanted to get signed up for the deer course itself.


I wonder how it compares to the other organisations?


I know that when i read my NI notes in the BASC magazine, the deer course nearly always fills the page. Never been tempted to do it, i'm happy to stck to the wee guns (for the minute). But still a one day course for £100 rather than £300 for a 3 day course with BASC sounds like a good deal! I suppose if you like the SACS deer course you could always join them afterwards! Is it true that to do the BASC deer course you have to join them as part of the deal?




ps - well done :rolleyes: to Bill Beckett for a cracker show at Moira!

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i browsed the basc website and it looks like the course requirements involve you becoming a basc member.


some of the courses involve more than one day but accomodation is not included.


kinda would put me off, with prices like that!



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