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.22LR Ammunition


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I find the .22 stinger is not particually good for grouping, but the velociter is better, or it is through my CZ. I currently have a spare magazine full of Velociters for an oppertuinistic fox round.

I am currently looking for some of the new CCI segmented ammunition, as i have read information thatnot only does the segmention reduce the risk of richochet but also it will create multiple wound channels in a target.

I think that this could be usefull for achiving quick kills on non edible target species eg foxes and stoats and weasles.


Does anybody know where i can pick up some?



Many thanks

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Im geting the clean kills on the stoats and weasles and on foxes, however the only foxes i have shot with the .22lr have been close and straight to the head, i think its just for confidence, but if they lessen richochet at .22 prices rather than 17 prices its gotta be better. from what i hear its quite like the terminal effercts from a 17.

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Im geting the clean kills on the stoats and weasles and on foxes, however the only foxes i have shot with the .22lr have been close and straight to the head, i think its just for confidence, but if they lessen richochet at .22 prices rather than 17 prices its gotta be better. from what i hear its quite like the terminal effercts from a 17.



I bought some but are more expensive than the usual .22 but not as bad as .17



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Im geting the clean kills on the stoats and weasles and on foxes, however the only foxes i have shot with the .22lr have been close and straight to the head, i think its just for confidence, but if they lessen richochet at .22 prices rather than 17 prices its gotta be better. from what i hear its quite like the terminal effercts from a 17.



Ricochet an the .22lr again, yes it happens, but did it stop your FEO issuing it on safety grounds, and has it stopped it being the most popular, and by far the biggest selling civil calibre in the world??? Anything that may reduce this is a benefit of course, but not an area to dwell on for me, simply something for the marketing boys to highlight to justify the price tag perhaps!!


The CCI segmented 22lr is very much at the TOP end of .22lr prices,


It does not have the effect of a 17HMR Ballistic tip which has substantially more energy and is far more destructive on impact.


The CCI 22 allegedly splits up into 3 sections on impact (I can accept it breaks up, as I took a head apart and it is very difficult to take it out of the case whole as it does fall apart). Problem is, SMALL pieces then travel off in different directions internally forming SMALL bullet tracts with limited energy. If these do not hit anything important the "rabbit" runs off, it will die of course, but not in your bag! The HMR causes MASSIVE disruption and almost instant death wherever you hit a bunny!


I believe I have 19 left of my one box of 50, so perhaps after allowing for a few zeroing shots (its not that accurate in my CZ Silhouette but acceptable) I have not given it a fair try yet.


However, my results have been worse than for my conventional, MUCH cheaper, 40g HP Lead subs.


I will not be bothering to buy any more!


Others may well have a different view.



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Thanks for the reply, where did you get them, as i will quote a local gunsmith,


" oh them GMK hasnt imported any of them yet"





Pal of mine got them as no RFD around my part had any at the time, this must have been a good 3 months ago, came from a dealer in Feltham area I understand, I'll try and check next time I see him.


New stuff is always worth a try but don't invest in more than one box to start with! <_<

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Went to do a bit of target shooting with my mentor last night and we put some balloons in a fence (solid mud bank behind the fence by the way) about 50 yards away. Started shooting and i was using Winchester Subs and shot one ballon and 3 around it all burst due to the round fragmenting.

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Cheers i was planning on trying 50 when i can find them but it does seem like my gunsmith is sprouting a load of old **** though.


Many thanks



My apologies, my pal lives in Feltham so I assumed he got then at his local dealer, I've just spoken to him and they came from the Beretta Gallery, St James, London!! <_< :blink:

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Whats the verdict then Shaun?


I'm considering this ammunition too, but a little wary as CCI suggest accurate to 50 metres :rolleyes:



never had the chance to put them to the test yet,


Weldon gun room had them in, at least thats where i got mine from......



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Had a chat a while back with my gunsmith about these. We came to the (possibly incorrect) conclusion, that as it isn't a true frangible round like HMR but a bullet effectively cast in three pieces that you could well end up with 3 ricochets rather than one.


For me, it's just part of the consideration of taking the shot. Last night was out with a mate shooting off a bipod over some spring wheat (getting on there before it gets too long) and shooting prone will increase the risk but we know from where we lay up we're clear at least 300yards on either side so the bullet can pretty much go where it wants (to be fair to my mate, he didn't miss one last night and never heard any go whizz!)

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