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.20 fac


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im not sure? :good: iv got a 12ft lb normal air rifle and want the fac one to be significatly more powerful? any experiences?


no experience in .20 but a fair bit in .22 up to 30ftb and that is more than enough power to play with <_<

Edited by Davy Holt
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The problems you will get with the 20 will be the choice of pellets for FAC that will be accurate with the increased velocity, if your going FAC air then the best bet will be 22.

Look at the buddy bottle range, for example Rapid 7 (one of the most popular) BSA 10, Air Ranger, Air Arms allthough not of the buddy bottle type but very popular. You allready have one so you know what there like,

As stated previously 30ftlb poss 35ftlb but then much more then it will be very pellet fussy, @ 33ftlb i got very consistant groups with Air Arms 16.25grain

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Help me out understanding the rationale for a .20 at 40ft lb?


You presumably had something in mind, I can't see why at the moment, GENERALLY I would have thought a .22 FAC would be better!




I've been through both, and to be honest I couldn't find a pellet in .20 that gave the good result, that was at 28ft/lb, I changed to .22 and haven't looked back really. But thats not to knock the .20, just not my cup of tea.

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iv got a 17hmr at the min and have had my meeting with firearms officer about getting .22lr and a fac air rifle. I put down .20 and .22 for air rifle but he said i could only have one and most people go for .20 so i went for that so im stuck now! Unless i pay another 26squid! ill Just have to try one and see how it goes, theoben do most of there models in .20 so im gonna try and find a secondhand rapid. is the 500ml bottle bigger than a stanard one? they hold a hell of alot of shots anyways compared to my airarms s410 anyways. about the 40ft lb, i was just thinking i would like to get as much out of the rifle as i could but with my other guns i suppose i will always have the right tool for the job.

thanks for the help guys


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It won't cost you a thing, one for one, just change the calibre if you need too.



iv got a 17hmr at the min and have had my meeting with firearms officer about getting .22lr and a fac air rifle. I put down .20 and .22 for air rifle but he said i could only have one and most people go for .20 so i went for that so im stuck now! Unless i pay another 26squid! ill Just have to try one and see how it goes, theoben do most of there models in .20 so im gonna try and find a secondhand rapid. is the 500ml bottle bigger than a stanard one? they hold a hell of alot of shots anyways compared to my airarms s410 anyways. about the 40ft lb, i was just thinking i would like to get as much out of the rifle as i could but with my other guns i suppose i will always have the right tool for the job.

thanks for the help guys


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iv got a 17hmr at the min and have had my meeting with firearms officer about getting .22lr and a fac air rifle. I put down .20 and .22 for air rifle but he said i could only have one and most people go for .20 so i went for that so im stuck now! Unless i pay another 26squid! ill Just have to try one and see how it goes, theoben do most of there models in .20 so im gonna try and find a secondhand rapid. is the 500ml bottle bigger than a stanard one? they hold a hell of alot of shots anyways compared to my airarms s410 anyways. about the 40ft lb, i was just thinking i would like to get as much out of the rifle as i could but with my other guns i suppose i will always have the right tool for the job.

thanks for the help guys



Along with many others your FEO is an idiot!


A one for one variation is FREE, get rid of the .20 and get a .22.


Frankly, what for anyway, if you have a .22lr and a HMR?

Edited by Dekers
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