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Tropical fish


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Iv got a dilemma,

iv got a 3' tropical tank setup in my Study (my little 'puter room full of guns and nice things).

Iv been down the route of massive tanks and unusual fish and have now just got this little tank which i intended to breed guppies (WOW)

I did and got up to 30+ but they are soooo boring,

I gave all the boys away and the females have slowly died off so im down to my last one.

I fancy something nice to look at and a little different.

I thought about discu, but i think id have to upgrade the filter system and iv been there and done with discu.

Can anyone offer a nice suggestion that could fill the void in my tank?

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Iv got a dilemma,

iv got a 3' tropical tank setup in my Study (my little 'puter room full of guns and nice things).

Iv been down the route of massive tanks and unusual fish and have now just got this little tank which i intended to breed guppies (WOW)

I did and got up to 30+ but they are soooo boring,

I gave all the boys away and the females have slowly died off so im down to my last one.

I fancy something nice to look at and a little different.

I thought about discu, but i think id have to upgrade the filter system and iv been there and done with discu.

Can anyone offer a nice suggestion that could fill the void in my tank?


Might not be what you are after but if anyone wants them, I've some goldfish to give away - free to a good home - PM me if you want any. One has nice big fins and a tail - I call her, Beyonce!

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whats you water like, do you get scalling in your kettle.


you could look at angels,ph7 or a little lower if you want to breed them, lovely fish, peaceful, then have a few corys,or syadontis for the bottom or a L181 gold nugget plec to keep the bottom clean


let me know if you need more info, i can write books on the stuff

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If you want something out of the ordinary why not convert to marine fish.

You would be able to use your current tank, swap your gravel/undergravel filter for a bed of sand and get yourself a decent external filter. (if you have kept discus you will know what to look out for)


If you stick to fish only and avoid invertibrates you can get away with a bit more as far as water quality is concerned.

You will only need to keep an eye on ph/Nitrate & salinity (there are added things to test for if you keep inverts like phosphates/ calcium levels etc)


The only added expense after that is marine salt for regular water changes but you can buy these in bulk packs on the internet to save money.

They are far more interesting especially if you are bored with freshwater species.



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malawi ciclids are nice to look at.i kept fish for years and like you got a bit bored with the run of the mill stuff so my last set up i had a pacu in a 4ft tank and a little jack pike in a 3ft tank.the pike loved goldfish.

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I'd go with Malawi's too. There are loads of different sorts but I really like the blue ones. Then get some Kuhli loaches to clean the bottom of old food etc because they're really cool!


My dad bred Malawi's a few years ago. He had some pretty basic brown ones and they managed to hold all the other fish in the tank away from the babies! If I remember rightly we had to feed them some sort of white liquid that was dropped in the tank? Not sure what it was! The parents are rowdy little ******* when they need to be and a lot of the babies grew into full sized fish.


The last fish I kept was a red bellied Piranha. It was nice but a bit boring because there was only one of him. I used to feed him steak.

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:( Why not get something you can feed from your fingers? I have always had predatory fish, like catfish, arwana, pike cichlids etc


2 of my giant catfish live in the London aquairium now.




and im not adverse to sticking the odd guppy in there, i have a few small cats in there too and a couple of big clown loaches and a big gibbiceps. and a pair of Angel fish that lay eggs on the filter pipe every month.


If you have never kept an arwana or the smaller species of snake heads then how about that?


Oscars are carniverous and quite entertaining too.



DO NOT go for discus...you are heading for a whole world of pain!!!


Obviously you dont want one like this:


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This is one of the cats I used to have that ended up in the London Aquirium, Dr Axelrods book said 18" hes now over 40"!!!!




His name is Horace and I used to feed him on rudd and roach, goldfish and the odd trout!!!

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Cheers for the replies, angels theres an idea!The water here is soft and acidic

Evil Elvis, iv had then all, Australian Arrowana, silvers, snake heads and piranha, my tank is not big enough or should i say it wouldnt be after a few years.

I had a pair of oscars a few years ago, could keep one in a 3'?

Im not going down the marine route as i know nothing about them and i dont have the £££s

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:( Yep one oscar would be ok as would a silver arwana. Shame you are so far away you could have the angels, would be nice to see the eggs hatch, only thing is the clowns and the gibbiceps eat them by the next morning lol.


By australian do you mean the saratoga? When i was in Oz, i actually saw baby Barramundi for sale, they were well cute.


The snakehead species i have the male gets to 6-8 inches and the female 10-12inches, they are the smallest ive ever seen, Ill try and get some decent pictures when i have 5 minutes.


I used to like breeding the cmaller cichlid species too, like the egyptian mouthbrooders and firemouths, convicts and i used to particularly like the kribensis species.


Even managed to breed kooli loaches as a kid!!!


Marines...NOOOO used to have a snowflake Moray eel and a volitans and a dwarf volitans, but I gave up marines after they died of old age as the salt is ridiculously expensive.


Im considering moving the snakeheads to a tank of thier own (mungler gave me a nice one) and condition them to breed....supposed to be not too difficult. :hmm:

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Iv got a dilemma,

iv got a 3' tropical tank setup in my Study (my little 'puter room full of guns and nice things).

Iv been down the route of massive tanks and unusual fish and have now just got this little tank which i intended to breed guppies (WOW)

I did and got up to 30+ but they are soooo boring,

I gave all the boys away and the females have slowly died off so im down to my last one.

I fancy something nice to look at and a little different.

I thought about discu, but i think id have to upgrade the filter system and iv been there and done with discu.

Can anyone offer a nice suggestion that could fill the void in my tank?

ive have a full set up for discus for sale if ur interested filters and wot not as i dnt keep them any more but still have all set up from my breeding tanks ect :(

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By australian do you mean the saratoga? When i was in Oz, i actually saw baby Barramundi for sale, they were well cute.



Yes the scleropages jardini, bloody hell i actually remembered the proper name!!!

He was my favourite fish of all time, I had him in a 5' x 2' x 2' until he/she was about 18" then i sold him to the fish importers i originally got him off.

Superb fish, He didnt spend as much time patrolling the surface like silvers and blacks do and would ofter take goldfish from the bottom of the tank.

There used to be a fish importers that was more like a warehouse in Huddersfield, and they used to get allsorts of weird fish, stuff you couldnt find in books.

I got what they said was a dwarf snake head but i could find it in any books. that was also a good fish but i forget what happened to that one.

I think im going to go the oscar route, although i think he will outgrow this 3'er.

Cheers for the advice gents.

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Single soft shell turtle. They start out about the size of a large coin and grow to the size of a dinner plate, engaging wee rascals , but the eat or attack everything, We had a beauty but it started eating the cat fish that were in with it. Took it back in the end when we down sized to one tank.

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This is Arthur :good:

I thought he was ill!,

i carefully spent 1/2 and hour indroducing tank water into his plastic bag and finally let him out and the promply sank to the bottom and stayed there!

Iv kept checking throughout the day only to find him laid on the bottom but in different parts of the tank.

I tested the water, thinking there must be a problem its fine but as i was doing that he swam up,

Expecting food?

As this was the most id seen him move so i dropped a Hikari Cichlid gold pellet into the tank.

He wolfed it down, so hes had a few more and is now happily patrolling the tank

Was he sulking? :look:

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:look: Cool, iused to love oscars, they are prone to sulking, he'll be fine!!!


Tonight wobba was over and I was showing him how my snakeheads feed from my hand, the female leapt clear fo the water and swallowed my index finger down to its pharangeals.....drew blood little búgger!!! :good:

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:look: Cool, iused to love oscars, they are prone to sulking, he'll be fine!!!


Tonight wobba was over and I was showing him how my snakeheads feed from my hand, the female leapt clear fo the water and swallowed my index finger down to its pharangeals.....drew blood little búgger!!! :good:


Never trust anything with teeth :hmm:

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