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The predator is a tad lighter than the T8 to.



Especially the P8 COMPACT version which has exactly the same baffles as the full version!! :yes::)


I hope I don't sound like a salesman for Andrew Banner, to be honest I'm not his biggest fan, but these are pretty good, and to be balanced, the WHISPER is rubbish! :good:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ase utra S5, nice and small, seems to add balance to most rifles I have used with them, quietest moderator I have come across,regret not buying one myself, I have a DM80 on my .243 and that is quiet alot quieter than a P8 or T8 plus T8's ping alot when you shut the bolt or when a branch taps it, Plus a friend of mine had a T8 for 9 months, he used it alot with the amount of deer he was shooting but it blew up on him one day, borders barrels said he has had alot come in like that apparently the welds burst or something and other lad I know had rust constantly coming out of it and when you shake it, it rattles!

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I use a T8 - heard the horror stories, but most of it stems from lack of care -- squirt of fluid and drain, as above never leave on gun for prolonged period.


Mines ok - does the job well & i paid about £200 for it.


:rolleyes: there IS a reason the Forestry Commission use these! Cleaned and removed from the rifle, they are great mods - my mate has one 6 YO and it looks like new because it's been looked after. I paid £224 for mine new, Border Barrels also sell a stainless steel version at similar money.

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:rolleyes: there IS a reason the Forestry Commission use these! Cleaned and removed from the rifle, they are great mods - my mate has one 6 YO and it looks like new because it's been looked after. I paid £224 for mine new, Border Barrels also sell a stainless steel version at similar money.



My understanding is the Forrestry Commission use the T8 because it met cost and sound suppression requirements. :yes:


However, it has proved unreliable and has a short life, hence why the stainless was developed to prolong it's life! ;)

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