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12.30pm - time to take our medicine

Dr W

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VAT rise should have been higher!


Labours reduction to 15% was a waste of time and gained nothing, and as said before did you realy notice the difference? I doubt it unless you where buting somthing VERRRYYYYY expensive.


So likewise raising to 20%, will you really notice the difference? NO.


And VAT is fair to all. You spend more you pay more.


Agree, 25% would have been do-able :yp: The problem is that as that has a direct baring on the consumer price index it will have a significant inflationary impact which would probably then mean interest rates needing to go up.....


They have one hell of a balancing act ahead of them!!


Going back to my earlier post also, if you attack the wealthy as labour have done in years gone by by racking income tax up to rediculous levels (wasn't it 90% in the 70s?) you actually end up with a smaller take because the wealthy who can afford to do so, just up sticks and take their businesses, property AND MONEY abroad thus meaning that the revenue get absolutely nothing from them!

Edited by Vipa
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VAT can't go above 20% in the EU, as far as I'm aware. It's the upper limit. 10% being the lowest. (I will go off now and confirm my guesstimate)


EDIT: Nope, I'm wrong, it's 25% limit, but apparently you can go higher (why have a limit if you can go higher?!)

Edited by Billy.
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Is that a Brussels mandate Billy? wasn't aware of that


It's 15%-25%


My mistake.


Wikipedia to the rescue:


"However Directive 2006/112 requires Member states to have a minimum standard rate of VAT of 15% and one or two reduced rates not to be below 5%. Some Member States have a 0% VAT rate on certain supplies- these Member States would have agreed this as part of their EU Accession Treaty (for example, newspapers and certain magazines in Belgium). The current maximum rate in operation in the EU is 25%, though member states are free to set higher rates"


(for example, newspapers and certain magazines in Belgium) -- I know for a fact I've bought those sorts of magazines in Belgium

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We're not screwed-its called recovery.


What other choices did they have??? Borrow more money??? Allow the country to go bankrupt???


No matter what they do,they're are always going to be critics,but to be honest they need the population behind them not fighting them.I will admit here and now that i've voted Labour throughout my adult life,but even i can see they have completely destroyed the economy and this budget is a lot fairer than i thought it was gonna be.

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Did anyone catch the ticker on Sky News just before Osbourne stood up... it was showing the country's debt in real time..... Furkin terrifyin...... ten grand a minute it was going up by........


That's 14.4 million quid A DAY!!! :yp:

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well the goverment has yet done it again , VAT up to 20%

well that means there is going to be a knock on efect

petrol, diesel, fuel, food prices will rise as will everything else

even cartridges and bullets will go up again

the goverment have not thought this through in my opinion

they have just jumped in and thought the only way to get back monies the previous goverment had lost

is to make joe public pay it all back for them

its alright for them being on the wages they get and all the expenses it dont cost them anything to live in my opinion

so its true what people have said , they only look after them selves and stuff the rest of the country

why cant a normal type of person (someone that has a realistic view of things not the idiots that just dream ) run for goverment , instead we had to have these idiots telling us what to do and running the country

wonder how the VAT will affect you and your opinions



were you a labour voter by any chance....



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