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ferret finder


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:lol: Yes indeedy,they can locate to within inches of the furry little mutha.

HOWEVER there is one magic ingredient......insulating tape,as the collars and battery packs will do their own thing if you don`t tape them.

HOWEVER I don`t use them if ferreting hedges and rock piles.....as you can`t dig roots or rocks.

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ferret finders are an essential piece of kit, but my way of ferreting is to use small jills without collars on as they go through your nets without disturbing them, the last thing you want if you have spent half an hour netting a brambley thorny burrow is the ferrets disturbing the nets. Then if i do get a lay up i send down a hungry hob with collar fitted who will soon find the jill/jills with either the rabbits backed up in a stop or their kill.


just my method it works for me, but everybody has their own ideas.

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ferret finders are an essential piece of kit, but my way of ferreting is to use small jills without collars on as they go through your nets without disturbing them, the last thing you want if you have spent half an hour netting a brambley thorny burrow is the ferrets disturbing the nets. Then if i do get a lay up i send down a hungry hob with collar fitted who will soon find the jill/jills with either the rabbits backed up in a stop or their kill.


just my method it works for me, but everybody has their own ideas.

Same as this but I never work my ferrets "hungry". Shouldn't need to, the ferret will stay with the rabbit long enough for you to locate it.


I never go ferreting without the finder, I ferreted before they were about, boy what a lot of time they save !!!

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never go without my ferret finder if your a good ferretter/rabbit catcher you value your ferrets. i cant stand these people who go out and there ferret gets laid up they cant be bothered to wait or go back to get the ferret. or they lose the ferret they just go and buy another ferret whats a fiver aye.these people arent country men and they need stringing up by there gonads.

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Finaly... People talking sence.


yes yes and yes, a ferret finder should be a fundamental part of any ferreter's kit.

I don't usally let any of mine down a hole without 1 on, especially on any new ground that I'm not familiar with. :lol:


I seems that lately (on "other" hunting sites) (NOT T.V.C for the record) they just seem full of up themself, egotistical, know it all but actually know Nothing Morons!!!! ;) Just my opinion! :lol:

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