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hi all


i am thinking of buying some lofting pigeons, do any of you lot use them if so when do use them, what type have you got, are they any good and is it worth me getting some


cheers shawn


ps i have been looking at pigeon lofting hooks but how do you get them up yhe trees i am to old and heavy to be climbing trees :lol:

Edited by shawn9914
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hi shawn

how did the shooting go with ive.

hi mark


it was ok a nice day all said and done but a bit quite on the pigeon side got about 18 over the rape ended the day with a nice couple of hours rough shooting got a few pigeons and a pheasant between us


cheers shawn


ps any ideas about lofting pigeons :lol:

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hi mate.

glad the pair of you had a good day.

is it worth getting some,yes. its better to have them and not use them,

than to not have any to use.where and when. roost shooting.as high as you can get em. o proper pain to retrieve when blowing a gale. i use a 13 mtr roach pole with the top section removed and a adapter fitted to sit the birds in for lofting. common or garden full bodied decs. i have a piece of wire coat hanger coming out of the back to make hook up easier.some lads put screw hooks in the back but i think they are to small.buy em try em and see.

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just a word of warning, we have a small market garden that we shoot on. this is also shot by a chap who is getting on in years. the first time i met him he was atempting to loft some decoys onto over head cables, telegraph pole type single wire. he said its phone line. he may be right but fter thinking about it changed his mind. be carefull.

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just a word of warning, we have a small market garden that we shoot on. this is also shot by a chap who is getting on in years. the first time i met him he was atempting to loft some decoys onto over head cables, telegraph pole type single wire. he said its phone line. he may be right but fter thinking about it changed his mind. be carefull.

:lol:;):) :thumbs: :thumbs:


only going to put them in trees


cheers shawn

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I was never able to get along with the decoys on string, that you threw over a branch and let them hang.

I was forever getting them tangled, either on the way up, or on the way down.


Lofting poles with the two bird attachment on the top are the best idea and work very well on wood margins and hedgerows.

Its surprising how few shooters use lofted decoys when decoying on crops with a tree/hedgerow boundary. this is when they can be very effective, by drawing in long range birds.

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You may laugh Shawn but people have been killed in the past. You don`t have to touch overhead wires because the high voltage will arc onto the poles and fry you!!

invector i am not laughing in that sense i was laughing as i would not be so stupid as to put decoys on wires i would just not take the risk as to weather they were telephone or electric wires ;)



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Standing out in the (relative) open under power lines is never to be recommended. Shooting under them should be a total no no!


I use lofters on weighted hooks. Pop 'em up on a long (telescopic) pole and hook the device over a branch. That way you can put up any number and don't need a whole lot of poles. Like everything else of course they work but then again only sometimes...ain't that pigeon shooting ;)

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Shawn the people who were killed weren`t putting lofters on wires. ;) Nor were the fishermen who took a shock through their carbon fibre rods!! If you think it can`t happen to you then laugh away. I just hope that when you are putting your lofters in the trees there aren`t high voltage wires hidden from view, or that you walk to a better tree and get closer to the wire cables than you thought.

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