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help needed on how to shoot a field


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i stopped at a farm yest(standing barley) it was getting hammered by pigeons. the trouble is its quite close to town and houses and a main road runs right at the top of the field.

does anybody shoot pigeons close to the public? im worried i might get the people from the local houses running out and telling me to beat it,or police getting phoned. i have permission and the farmer is desperate to get them off his crop. the nearest house is about 150 yard away.

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even if it means getting close to the houses you need to be shooting away from them, otherwise at 150 yards your shot will be falling on them


It is wise to phone local police to let them know you are there, saves them sending helicopter and armed response unit when you are legally shooting.

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If anyone comes out and shouts at you, inform them that they are trespassing. If the police get called, have your license, permission details (letter or phone number) and a bit of knowledge over the legalities if they try to challenge you and you should be fine!

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apart fom the noise pollution NO nothing wrong at all :yp: within your rights so long as you have permission to be there


Les B)



As long as your shot isn't landing on the houses or the road then all is legal, if not then technically its illegal

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If you are considerate and use commonsense you shouldn't have problem.

I would suggest don't start shooting too early and don't stay too late.

Shoot away from the houses and position your hide as far away as possible.

Set up at least 50 ft from any public land/road/path.

Remember, you will cause less disturbance to people in their cars on the road, than the people in their houses/gardens.

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thanks guys im just went and had a look 2nite for a reccy,the pigeons are feeding on flattend barley that is fairly near to the houses,but there is another flattened area a good distance away,going to try the magnet and pull them away from the houses hopfully.

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plastic bag on a cane in the blow hole near the houses, put it low as not to spook birds that are coming into your hole but high enough to catch the wind.


if you need to put a pole on either side of your hide to stop you getting tempted to shoot a bird where the shot might land on road or houses then do so as in the heat of battle you will get tempted.


phone local police station and if need be phone the call centre and tell them your there, mention the houses that are near and if you can the name of there road so if there is a complaint and its form the houses they will say the street name and it should flag up to say your there.


i dont start before 9am and try to finish around 7pm at latest, i have kids and dont like the noise when there going to bed so i try to be fair to others.



good luck and happy banging.



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