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I took a trip to a gun shop today and they had a steyr (i think) .50cal there. I was amazed at the size of the thing, the mod on it must have been a foot and a half long!!! I was wondering what would be the point in having one and what reason you would give to the feo. :)



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Provided you have somewhere safe to fire it like a home office approved club-why not? It would be fantastic fun shooting it at extreme ranges! Dont think i'd want to actually buy the rounds though cos they're expensive.


As for reasoning with your FEO to own such a beast-it goes back to somewhere safe to shoot.The old Nagant service rifle in my signature has a heck of a range too (and kicks like a mule) and my FEO didnt have a problem granting me this calibre along with a few more too.

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For the VAST majority in this country the .50 is a waste of money.... and a money pit.


There are only a handful of ranges you can use it on, you don't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting it approved for anything live (in the UK) and it weights a ton and, and, etc, etc.


There are a few owners in the UK who I'm sure derive great pleasure from the things, shooting one is great fun, one of those...things to do before I die...but owning one is a whole different ball game!! :rolleyes:

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is that steel plates at 3500? I'd hate to have to walk back and forth to the target to replace paper. ;o)






Hi Rick,


Yep steel gongs, APC & tanks are the main very long distance targets. Spotter tracer rounds are great fun from the .50's on a hard target.

Also at every FCSA meet there are 1000 yard canvas screens that you can shoot groups on etc with the .50's. As long as the weather is good, you can see your shots with a good spotting scope on them.

Plus there are reactive fig.11's etc that you can shoot with the smaller stuff like .338's.


Here are some good pics of Lydd where there is a shoot this Thursday coming.


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