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pigeon shooting morning or evening

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I shot between 80-90 birds yesterday under a flight-line! I would say that the majority of birds came between 11:00am and 2:00pm. After that the flight-line certainly started to dry up and even at about 3:00pm some of the birds started flighting back to the woods! I had an exceptional day though for just flight-line sport, check out the pictures! :blink:

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I must admit evenings are good, mainly because you'll catch the majority of the birds flighting back to their favourite roosting woods! I set up during the day last Monday and caught them going both ways, to and from the field... It was fantastic sport, ended up picking 74! :balloon:

Click for image of the bag!

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Any time seems ok around me, just get out and give it a go. :D


Just got back in from a 6pm to 8pm decoying session in a field on a flight line back to roosting woods and had 27 for 31 shots (well pleased :balloon: ) if i could shoot like that all the time would save on cartridges thats for sure. :yes:


good luck whenever you choose to go :hmm:

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