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'milk' under a rabbit's skin

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I was skinning a rabbit the other night and when I cut the skin back from the breastbone towards the tail there was a load of 'milk' between the skin and the meat. There was also what looks like fat there too. When I gutted it there were no young there, the liver, kidneys are all the rest of the offal looked to be healthy, there were no cists that I could see. Have I just had my first milky doe, or something more dire? Once I had washed it all, it looked perfectly normal. It's in the freezer now, but will it be safe to eat, or does it go to the dog?

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why are they poor condition? whats so bad bout them?


Because the animal has just bred and fed a litter, it can become emaciated and the flesh taste bitter.


Just run your finger down a milky does spine to see how wasted the carcass can become.


If I am going to eat something I want the best of it not the worst and the fact that milky does have no saleable value should tell you something.

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I chucked a milky doe tonight.


They are very poor condition for eating and the most I would do is feed it to the dog :hmm:



:good: perfectly ok. there is still enough on them for a decent feed. why not chuck another one in with it to make it up?

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