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fox tail


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hi all i just thought id share these fox tails with you i cut them from the fox and placed them in meths for a week then washed of and used the missis conditoner in which we had words over (i won) then dryed on washing line . they have turned out pretty good first attempt and a sucess i think..


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Sorry, what is meths?



Methylated Spirits, available from all good DIY stores.


Obviously bone out, I put the whole tail in a CLEAN old Coffee jar and FILL with meths. Turn after a few days.


I must admit I usually leave it a couple of weeks or more, perhaps less works as well.


Squeeze out as much meths as possible (save for next time) and then use a gentle shampoo!


Dry NATURALLY, and slowly kneading regularly or you will find it goes very crisp!



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You don't need to skin up the length of the tail. If you make an incision around the base of the tail you can pull the tail off cleanly. Simply place 2 sticks where you have made the incision (1 either side of the bone), put your foot firmly on the body and pull the tail off. If it is an old fox it can be very tough but practise makes perfect. I don't use Meths myself, I use the solution I use to cure skins when I am doing taxidermy; the solution is water, table salt, borax and alum.

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The method I use to skin the tail:

Cut the skin around the base of the tail, being careful not to cut the flesh or bone.

Then using a short lenght of stout cord or thin rope, make a slip knot that you can

tighten around the base of the tail in the cut, then put your foot on the fox and pull.

The tail will then slide off the tapered bone.

As Ollie said practice makes perfect.

And I usually leave them in the jar of meths for at least 3-4 weeks, I sometimes

forget and they are there for a couple of months, but still ok.

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