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Am I allowed to purchase expanding ammo?


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Received my FAC today with a slot for .22RF rifle and .22 moderator. Under section 2 "Ammunition including expanding ammunition and expanding missiles" I have 2 entries, both for .22RF - 600 keep 500 purchase.


I have 2 conditions on my licence



Warning: When a firearm(s) which this certificate authorises is/are acquired, no further firearms may be acquired without first applying for and being granted a variation to do so.



The firearms and ammunition shall be used for target shooting, and only whilst a member of <my club> on ranges suitable for the safe use of the class of firearm and with adequate financial arrangements in place to meet any injury or damage claim.


********** end of conditions **********


Now, can I buy hollow point ammo or not and also am I right in thinking I can purchase a .22 WMR rifle and ammo as reference to both rifle and ammo specifies "RF" and not "LR"?


Thanks in advance

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give your FLO a ring mate and get it from the horses mouth,

im no expert but im going to say no to the WMR, as for hollow points then i guess that if it says you can on your cert then you probably can, but not much point for just target practice.

iv probably got it all wrong but im sure some one with vast experiance will soon reply with a better answer.



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In the picture you have submitted,in the black headline no.2 it says ammunition including expanding ammunition? Does it not? Although uve not a conditon on the front,this is a grey area that needs re wording,as you could argue that it does say u can buy them. Wmr ? Well I've heard a few horror stories about this,technically u could buy one but only an unscrupulous dealer would do it. I wouldent because ide hate to think how my flo or dept would come down on me,or hold up anything in the future. Not worth the risk in my god fearing opinion!

Edited by the running man
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that's a no (ignore the black box text on the back, it's just a place to list ammo not a condition)


you'd have a condition on the front saying you can purchase expanding ammo.


you appear only to have target shooting conditions and nothing to do with hunting.


what are the other points on the front that you've not listed?

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You probably could but it would really depend on what you asked for. If you asked for a .22LR and then you go and buy a .22WMR then they will take a dim view on it.


Also on my FAC it has EXP after the entries for ammunition.


Mine reads


1000 to buy

1200 to hold


500exp to buy

750exp to hold


etc etc for each calibre.


I would say that you asked for a rifle and gave target shooting as the reason which is whay you have not been granted expanding ammo

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The license states .22R/F which means ANY .22 R/F, that includes a WMR, I have it on my licence and cleared it with my FEO. It would only apply if it states .22LR. that would be all you could purchase, there is not provision for expanding ammunition on your ticket, if you are allowed to purchase then it would say so in the amount you can purchase.

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just had a look to confirm, on the front in the conditions at the end of the condition for 22, 17ah, 223 and 243 cals


The ammunition referred to in this condition, either possessed or to be acquired, may included expanding bullets


only the 243 has exp next to it in the ammo section







Are you just target shooting, do you have a need for expanding ammo?

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Simple short answer, don't know !!!



On my licence,which is open, all my calibres ( .22r/f,both lr and wmr, .22c/f, .204, .223, and .243) have the use of expanding ammo, I don't belong to any club ,which usually only allow non expanding ammo. As to why Katash is asking is a mystery. :good:

Edited by willy1
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I don't have exp next to any of my ammo lists,just says like above may include expanding. Why has his force issued a moderator without land?



mine has exp on everything even hmr oh and since when did you need land for a mod? most put down the reason for a mod as health and safety plenty of paper punchers use mods.



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mine has exp on everything even hmr oh and since when did you need land for a mod? most put down the reason for a mod as health and safety plenty of paper punchers use mods.



health and safety eh? There's nothing like destroying shooting from within. What's next gracoils fitted to all firearms,do me a favour.
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The only reason I'm asking about expanding ammo is cos it would be nice to test performance of said rounds in my rifle ready for when I decide to progress onto rabbit shooting, not a major issue just curious, the club ammo I've been using at the range has been Eley subs hollow points which I can purchase for £3 a box at the range but obviously if I'm not allowed then I cant.


As for the moderator, this was literally the only question my FAO asked me on my extremely short interview, I didn't push for one, I don't feel I need one but he did ask me "Did you want a moderator" ..... Now I'm not gonna say no to that! :good:

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health and safety eh? There's nothing like destroying shooting from within. What's next gracoils fitted to all firearms,do me a favour.


I would politely suggest 80% of those who request mods play the health and safety card to get it, please do me a favour know what you are on about before you post tripe IE need land for a mod.



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I would politely suggest 80% of those who request mods play the health and safety card to get it, please do me a favour know what you are on about before you post tripe IE need land for a mod.



I won't be screw cutting my 100 year old long lee to please health and safetey,if uve been issued one great fine,but I can't see why u would need one,are ear defenders not any good these days? I can also understand the recoil reduction advantages,I'm in 3 shooting clubs and go to bisley once a month,and I've never,never seen any smallbore rifles with mods,issued just for target,centerfire yes a few but they hunt with them to. Perhaps my force is not as liberal as others. Excuse my tripe,all veiws are diffrent.
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Katash, DO you have land to shoot over? or is it just club shooting that you do?



Yes I do have land to shoot my shotgun on but I wanted to learn to rifle shoot at a club first before I take a rifle out into the field.


When I'm happy with my setup and experience I'll have the land added to my ticket.

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Yes I do have land to shoot my shotgun on but I wanted to learn to rifle shoot at a club first before I take a rifle out into the field.


When I'm happy with my setup and experience I'll have the land added to my ticket.


Has the land been aproved for firearms yet? if it has, then ask for expanding ammo for vermin control.



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