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Please don't make becoming an FEO too difficult, I quite fancy it as a nice little semi-retirement job :hmm:



no chance you'd be too qualified for it :no:


reminds me of police coming out when I was pigeon shooting as shot apparently had landed over a boundary. Their advice use something smaller than a 12bore and it shouldn't happen. Its comical when you just have to say I'll bear that in mind officer

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Please don't make becoming an FEO too difficult, I quite fancy it as a nice little semi-retirement job :hmm:


I knew someone that went for an FEO role local to me. They are a very experienced shooter and also a RFD. They were told they were too involved in shooting to hold the job. Absolute joke. Like someone that cant drive examining driving tests.

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Just rember the more skilled/qualified or work required by the police or FEO (be it non police or not) the more we will pay for it.


The only way is up ££££££££

Did we not have a promise this will never happen :yahoo: I know goverments and promises mean nothing! You would be suprised though, give it to the right team and cut the waste of time B/S and costs can be cut. For example i once got costings for intoducing a 20mph zone you simply couldn't comprehend the cost of a few signs highways through highways can build up to, there was me thinking a few hundred a sighn and they needed five figure sums- why coz it takes about 16 people to tell one guy what to do at each and every stage and they are all on index linked pentions :no:

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