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For the few guys that replied to the thread, my profuse apologies. Although he got the wrong outfit, Strix came close.

I have no objection to ( in fact quite admire them and wish that I had their business acumen) people who make money out of me with little apparent effort provided they do what they said they were going to do when they said they would. However, I'm getting really annoyed (age related?) with people who believe they have the divine right to make money out of me while making no effort to achieve the two objectives previously mentioned.

For week after week, month after month I've been getting fobbed off which has cost me phone calls and fuel and I've just about had enough. I think that the post may well have been read by someone at the outfit in question and who would have recognised themselves. An e-mail I've sent will probably help them recognise my forum name and hopefully they'll have taken the hint. If they have, all well and good and if not their name will appear on here.

Again, sorry, chaps, but hopefully the sharp stick did the job but watch this space if it didn't.


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