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my spaniel the big poof!


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just took my 16 month old springer for his annual jabs. anyone sitting out in the waiting room would have thought the vet was tryin to butcher him. first came the stethascope, never heard anything like it, crying like a baby. as if that was bad enough when he had his jab he was rolling round on the floor like a propper fanny! my collie doesnt even flintch when she has hers! is this a springer thing or do i just have a wimpy dog lol. god knows what hes gonna be like when i finally get him on the marshes! :blush:

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Nope not a spaniel thing.


My lab's first encounter with the vet (jabs) the vet gave hime some treats which were inhaled in true lab fashion. Since then a vet visit is the best thing ever. This has now been passed on to the spanner.


Bear in mind the lab does full mouth smiling, a proper grin. Taking a grinning buffoon and a bouncing springer into a vets waiting room is fun! :blush:

Edited by moz
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Nope not a spaniel thing.


My lab's first encounter with the vet (jabs) the vet gave hime some treats which were inhaled in true lab fashion. Since then a vet visit is the best thing ever. This has now been passed on to the spanner.


Bear in mind the lab does full mouth smiling, a proper grin. Taking a grinning buffoon and a bouncing springer into a vets waiting room is fun! :blush:


:rolleyes: :blink: :blink: :huh: too funny. hes a nightmare. he loves goin into the vets, bouncing off each wall. even after all the nasties hes had in there hes still happy to go back. he must be very hypersensitive lol

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My old cocker (who regarded the thickest bramble thicket as a challenge) used to go all wobbly at the vets.


Funniest thing I ever saw was the vet trying to insert a rectal thermometer - she used to lean so far away from contact with it that she ended up almost horizontal with her legs stretched out straight and her tail clamped firmly downwards.


As soon as she was out of the vets door her tail used to go up, and she looked up at me with a "Where's that rabbit" look in her eye.


Little sod



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Going to the vets does funny things to dogs, I have the hardest most dis-agreeable terrier, who normally will not go within 10 ft of a stranger without flashing a bit of white. But when we go to the vets he turns into a lap dog, even rolling over on the table for the vet to rub his tummy. Where as my whippet x gets aggressive when normally she is very placid.


The vets also does funny things to my wallet, goes in pretty full and comes out empty :good::angry:

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Aye the days are gone where you go to a vet for something simple like worming tablets, and ask him to run his hands over the dogs wHilst your there, and only pay for the tabs.


Most vets have ambition these days, the ambition to be a millionaire.


Some just blatantly play on our weakness for our cannine partners in crime.

Edited by manxman2
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Why do people want a hard dog anyway? My GWP is very phyically tough but i have had dogs that were total wimps at the vets, it don't reflect on myself either way and has no relivence to performance in the field. Would you be happier if the reverce happened and your dog took a chunk out of the vet? or killed someones cat on the way out? :good:

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Last year my mates dog got really badly constipated for some reason! It was straining for a couple of hours trying to push this thing out. He decided to take it into the vets. As soon as the dog entered the waiting room the dog forced out the concrete **** which broke in half it was so hard. This was swiftly followed by a huge stream of stinking liquid **** which covered about a square metre of the waiting room floor. The look on the nurses face was brilliant!!!!


Anyway it solved the problem!

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