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First Shotgun - Advice Needed


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Hi All


I have only recently got into shooting after a few shooting “safety lessons” at clays with a friend. Since then I have been mostly shooting rabbits over the dogs with the odd pigeon while out in the field. The gun will mainly be used for game shooting but would like to use at clays as and when the time allows.


Now am I am starting to look into buying my own gun but not really sure where to begin. I have been using a Beretta Silver Pigeon S 12ga O/U 28” and seem to get on ok with it.


Would I be best seeking out someone with experience of gun fitting then taking it from there? Also would I be best looking at buying a good second hand gun or new?


Bit of a long winded boring post but we all got to start somewhere I suppose.. ;)


All advice appreciated.


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Hi All


I have only recently got into shooting after a few shooting “safety lessons” at clays with a friend. Since then I have been mostly shooting rabbits over the dogs with the odd pigeon while out in the field. The gun will mainly be used for game shooting but would like to use at clays as and when the time allows.


Now am I am starting to look into buying my own gun but not really sure where to begin. I have been using a Beretta Silver Pigeon S 12ga O/U 28” and seem to get on ok with it.


Would I be best seeking out someone with experience of gun fitting then taking it from there? Also would I be best looking at buying a good second hand gun or new?


Bit of a long winded boring post but we all got to start somewhere I suppose.. ;)


All advice appreciated.



go to your local gun shop and pick a few up and see what fits, ask advice from shop keeper. as for new verses used, a good used gun will be far better choice than a cheaper (lower quality) new gun, so depending on your budget really, silver pigeon is a good gun both new or used and you have been using one already, Browning 325-425-525 Miroku MK series etc etc are all good but the fit is more important as the dearest nicest gun is no good to you if you cant shoot with it....

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Welcome! ;)


have a berreta 687 myself and wouldnt change it! if you seem to get on fine with it then chance are its not far off th size your looking for. armed with this knowledge, it gives a gunshop an idea what would suit you. other guns will fit also though.


as far as buying a gun, it all depends on your budget..(doesnt everything!) if you dont have a bottom less pit then id look for a S/H higher spec gun than a newer middle market gun. i was lucky to pick mine up from a gent that was giving up shooting and had only fired 100 carts through it. dont rush into buying the first gun you see, the right gun at the right price will come along! im sure a lot more advice will come from the reliable members of PW!!


Good luck in your search! :unsure: :o

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Try a few maybe at your local clay club? Allways get second hand guns and buy the best you can afford even an expensive gun will cost less than a couple of years cartridge bills ! Get a multi choke steel proof 3" chambered gun that will do for everything! Game or sporting setup NOT trap. A beretta or browning will not lose you much if you resell it

ATB will

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Thanks for all the advice.. I think I will head to my local clays and try a few guns with an experienced coach!!


I like the sound of a m/c gun which can be used as an all rounder.. At the moment I cant see by the Silver Pigeon as its what I have been using so far.


Now I just have to keep my eyes peeled and hopefully the right gun turns up!!


Thanks again.

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